Summary: - The story should mainly revolve about Severus and Harry.
- Severus is revealed to be Harry's biological father in the context of an Occlumency lesson.
- Harry is or becomes proficient in the Mind Magics.
- The story has to contain the sentence: "Your father, James Potter, died when you were one and a half years old." Slight variations can be accepted.
- It involves a prophecy that asks for "A Father's Sacrifice". Bonus points if Severus casts the Killing Curse at Harry, without malicious intent.
- The story has to include the lyrics of at least one song. That does not mean the song has to make up the entirety of the story. Ideally, the song actually exists at the point of time in the story when it is referenced.
When you post your story, make sure to reference this challenge so that others can contribute, too :-)
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