Summary: Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy are the two biggest gits Harry had ever met in the wizarding world. And you know what, he'd never met a muggle worth saving either! So maybe old Moldy-- sorry Voldemort-- had it right. Except for the going insane and considering an infant your greatest enemy thing. Cedric's dead because of him, it's the summer before 5th year, Harry's had bloody enough! Muggles aren't worth saving. And the wizards! All they ever do is turn on him, even (especially) Ron --his so called best friend. Everyone just believes the worst of him and they all think they get to judge his every move and he's still supposed to risk his life fighting Voldemort for them? He loves his parents, but he never even knew them for Pete's sakes! Screw it all, Harry's going dark side. And when Voldemort realizes he has a truly powerful new heir-- because he has a piece of Voldemort inside him anyway, he would make the perfect heir-- Voldemort and Harry might be unstoppable! Will Snape and Draco see the error of their ways when Voldemort himself punishes their behavior against Harry? Will Dumbledore repent his manipulative actions when he sees how far they have pushed the boy?
* Harry becomes voldemorts heir but at some point Severus and Draco apologize/or repent however necessary and Harry then double crosses Voldemort with their help
* Harry has to be intelligent, powerful, and cunning.
*No raping! No one ever writes rape as the serious and tragic situation it really is do I'd rather you not try with this challenge
He can NOT forgive the dursleys or Dumbledore and if he does forgive Snape/Draco, it can't be quickly. They'd have to really work for it
*Maybe Harry defeats Voldemort and takes over cause yeah it makes sense to segregate the wizarding and muggle worlds. Voldemort just didn't have a good strategy
*Maybe Harry switched sides but even Snape and Draco didn't know until Voldemort reveals Harry as his heir (I would love to see this in Snape or Dracos POV. Imagine how terrified theyd be of what Harry could've told Voldemort!?)
* Maybe Harry and Voldemort have lots of conversations in parseltongue which freaks out the death eaters cause no one can understand it obviously so who knows what kind of things they're plotting
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