Summary: The giant squid dies.
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Summary: Severus and Dobby know each other well because of the former's association with the Malfoys. Some point at Hogwarts, Harry is witness to an exchange between the two of them.
Must haves: - Severus is acting childishly. (Not crack!fic style, I mean, just at the immature end of the Snape behaviour spectrum.) - Dobby takes charge of the situation. - Harry is amused. At least at first. Can have: - Dobby ticking off Harry as well. Can't have: - House-elf torture (references to the Malfoys are okay). Be nice to Dobby! - Slash - Manipulative/uncaring/not-very-nice!Dumbledore - Character bashing [Report This] Summary: Inspired by Supernatural. Lily knew the Dark Lord was after her, and she knew she wouldn't be around to protect Harry if something happened to her or James. She makes a deal with a demon that If she gets killed then she will come back as a demon.
She agrees to this and lives her demon life in secret, still looking out for Harry, unlike other demons. Lily somehow managed to hold onto most of her humanity. No one else knows, not even Dumbledore or Voldemort. The only person who knows of this deal is Severus Snape, who is as we all know is already keeping Harry safe. However an accident happens at the Dursleys and Harry must stay with Severus til school begins....Will they get along? Can Snape hide his secret about Lily? You decide how Harry will find out about his mother, Is Lily good or evil? Can she help her son defeat the Dark Lord? Will Severus fall for a demon? I want to know so let the writing begin! Can take place during any year! [Report This] Summary: Harry has to go back to stay with the Dursleys to strengthen the blood wards, that much is certain. But what if the Dursleys are comatose, kissed or cursed so that their bodies are there, but their minds aren't? Dumbledore has a clever plan to have Professor Snape take their place at 4 Privet Drive. To ensure that Harry's summer is just like any other, Snape is charmed to be forced to act just like the Dursleys would if they were there.
[Report This] Summary: Harry really is a dunderhead when it comes to potions and has royally messed one up.
[Report This] Summary: Snape forces Harry to take a drug test after he either catches Harry with drugs, or is suspicious that Harry is using. Whether Harry is positive or negative is up to you.
[Report This] Summary: Harry Potter is deaged when Voldemorts resurrection ritual goes wrong (killing Voldemort forever optional) and is teleported back to Hogwarts as an 18 month toddler. Dumbledore gives Harry to Snape to care for. Snape takes care of Harry and is the story of him growing up again.
Harry is NOT toilet trained,
He either stays at Hogwarts or Snape's house,
Corporal Punishment is used (no abuse).
[Report This] Summary: Harry has been practicing a dark magic, enough to become addicted to it. He doesn't want to stop. Enter Snape.
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