Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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Summary: Severus is still loyal to Lord Voldemort when he finds out Harry is truly his son and doesn't change sides. He converts Harry to the Dark instead. Or Harry is Dark/changes sides and that's how they find out they're father and son. or Voldemort finds out Severus and Harry are related and orders Severus to bring Harry to the Dark side.
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Summary: Dumbledore, concerned that Severus keeps everything bottled up, manages to convince him to keep a diary. At some point, Harry reads it or part of it.

Must have:
- Realistic standard of protective charms on the diary--this is Snape we are talking about, he wouldn't just leave his secrets lying around
- Lily mentioned in some form in the diary

Can haves:
- Biological relation
- Severus' spy role discovered (depending on where in canon this set)

Can't haves:
- Manipulative!Dumbledore
- Character bashing
- Slash
- Nothing changing between Harry and Severus once he's read the diary
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Summary: Snape makes Harry believe he is his father.

When they meet, something gives Harry that impression, and Snape goes along with it.

After they have known each other some time, Harry gets amnesia/Confunded/something along those lines, and somehow ends up believing Snape is his dad.

Must have:
- Snape does not correct him, letting him believe the lie for whatever reason
- If the second variation, they have to have known each other at least a year and a half
- Snape still loves Lily
- Whilst under the pretence, Snape does or says something that, once Harry knows the truth, helps him realise Snape has grown to care for him

Can have:
- Harry figuring it out
- Someone else realising what is going on and stepping in
- Snape having a crisis of conscience and admitting the truth
- Harry being very very angry either way
- The two being in some kind of isolation to make finding out the truth harder

- Snape did not plan in advance, but takes advantage of a situation
- Snape is NOT Harry's bio dad; it HAS to be a lie
- No Harry finding out it is a lie before any kind of bonding has a chance to take place
- No Manipulative/not-very-nice!Dumbledore
- No character bashing
- No slash
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Summary: Snape, tired of the endless 'coddling' he presumes Potter gets constantly, uses polyjuice (or some similar shape shifting magic) to be Potter for one day at school. Bonus points if Snape is shaken enough to let the potion wear off in public.
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Summary: Suddenly, the whiteness parts and a figure is seen. A man, black hair tossed wildly on his head around a strange piece of eyewear, hands firmly grasping the pommel of a gleaming sword. The sword point is firmly planted on the ground be-tween his feet. Closer observation shows the man’s head turning slowly from side to side, surveying the whiteness he stands in, as if looking for signs of... something. The man is slender, what some call ‘wiry’. His body appears unclothed, except for a pair of goggles on his eyes and a scrap of cloth around his waist.

As the whiteness continues to move, the land under the figure is revealed. Anyone expecting him to be on a rocky precipice, watching the lands below for invaders, would be disappointed. Castle ramparts are also not in evidence, not in this land of white. No, the land the soldier guards so diligently is smooth metal, not rock or stone. It curves away from his feet into a cone. As the air continues to clear, the cone seems to be jutting back behind the man, almost ten feet, abruptly shooting upwards. The new slope proves to be glass, with a dimly lit room behind it.

The whiteness suddenly scatters. Finally revealed, the strange metal cone and glass-covered room come into focus as the nose and cockpit of an airplane. Sword in hand, the man posing as its hood ornament continues to survey the clouds around him, searching for danger, while the men in the cockpit watch in fascination.

//Your choice on who the black-haired man is, Snape or Potter. You decide what he is defending against- Dementors, Death Eaters, Dragons, or something else.
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Summary: The Dursleys must stay at Hogwarts for the year (e.g. they must stay at Hogwarts to watch Harry compete in the Tri-wizard tournament) or for any other reason.
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Summary: Crossover/Fusion with 'His Dark Materials'. AU where everyone has a daemon (a person's soul existing outside their body in the form of an animal). Must feature abusive Dursleys and non-Gryffindor Harry. Romance is optional, but the preferred Harry romance is Harry/Neville, Harry/Hermione, or Harry/Fleur if you want to pair Harry with someone.
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Summary: Harry and his guardian (either Remus or Sirius) decide to take on a de-aged Severus.

  • Severus refusing to go with Harry and his guardian.
  • Harry attempting to force Severus to obey him as an older brother.
  • Severus having something similar to Reactive Attachment Disorder (In other words, Severus is not going to trust Harry or the guardian. It might get better, but that is up to the writer's discretion.)

  • Harry and his guardian attempting to change Severus' house at Hogwarts.
  • Attempts to change Severus' personality

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Summary: De-age Harry to 1-2 years, memories intact, but childish. Abused by the Dursleys. Caring Severus.
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Summary: Harry discovers that his dream of living with the Weasleys' is detrimental to his his health.
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Disclaimer Charm: Harry Potter and all related works including movie stills belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Bros, and Bloomsbury. Used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made off of this site. All fanfiction and fanart are the property of the individual writers and artists represented on this site and do not represent the views and opinions of the Webmistress.

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