Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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At the end of that fateful Occlumency lesson, the jar of cockroaches, instead of hitting the wall, flies slightly lower and smashes directly over Harry’s head.

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There is truth to the "voodoo dolls" [I know the term is problematic] cliche in the wizarding world. It is actually real / applicable, and only Snape knew about that (cue Prince Family Secrets, etc.)

It's the reason why Voldemort only came back many years later, with no nose and not so powerful, while Harry's survival is, in large part, because Snape keeps pouring some low-level luck potion and health potions over Harry's doll.

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Out of necessity, Severus has become a genius at creating potent magically enhanced soups potions from kitchen waste (fruit or veggie peels, animal bones, scraps of herbs etc.). 

When he finds out about Harry's abuse, and is being actively stopped from intervening, he does the only thing he can think of: he makes Harry copy all the recipes in detention, and makes him read "foraging the forest" and "what is safe to eat"-type survival books. 

Maybe part of the teachings is also a [magical method, i.e. potion or spell] that can make most things consumable by removing the toxins from it as long as it hasn't totally fallen to decay. 

It's the reason why the trio didn't starve to death on the run, and they were not reported to have gotten sick. 

It also comes back to Severus by saving his life through one of those "potions", and/or through the detoxifying spell which Harry uses on him in desperation.

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Takes place during Umbridge's rein of Hogwarts. Harry is in trouble but can't directly communicate his problem because Umbridge and/or ministry officials are there. When Snape gets involved Harry keeps addressing him as "Sir?" clueing him in to the fact that something isn't right. This time he takes appropriate action.

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Snape is a spider animagus. Or gets turned into a spider.


“Spider-Snape, Spider-Snape”

“Stalks around in a spider-cape...”

“Can't catch him, in a glass”

“He's venomous and wicked fast...”

“Look out! Here comes Spider Snape!”


      -song/poem by Priorities

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Summary: In sixth year when Harry uses Sectumsempra on Draco he does more harm than in canon. Draco is maimed, possibly mortally wounded, and may die. When Snape comes across the scene he spirits Harry away and hides him for his protection, knowing that Umbridge and the Ministry would send Harry to Azkaban. Dumbledore is gone. The Malfoys will want revenge. Where can Harry go?
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Summary: Severus Snape is a seer. How does he use this ability?
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Summary: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter swap bodies. Snape is called to help.
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Summary: “Soup is witchcraft. We put plants, spices, and dead animals into a cauldron and follow instructions from a book written by old people.” As a Potions Master, Severus Snape is good at making soup. His soup may even have some magical properties.
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Summary: Severus Snape knows at least a little parseltongue and uses it to his advantage.
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