Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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Summary: Snape and Harry suddenly find themselves in an alternative reality where Lily is alive, and James and Harry are dead.
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Summary: Harry and Snape are snowed in together for Christmas.

Things to think about/ideas:
- Are Harry and Snape mad about this, or do they care at all? Did they have someplace they were each supposed to be instead of being stuck together?
- Where are they snowed in together and how did this happen? Was this a natural occurrence, some sort of magical accident, or did someone like Dumbledore orchestrate them being stuck together?
- Is anyone else stuck there with Snape and Harry? Ron? Draco? Someone hurt or unconscious?

Have fun with it! I just wanted to write up some fun Christmas prompts! As a side note: since it can still be wintery in February, I think this challenge would also work for Valentines day. Snowed in for Valentines day, lol. Snape would be royally ticked off about that!
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Summary: Under ancient magical law, anything, person, or place that holds someone's soul is recognized as lawfully their's, be it as a possession, added to their family tree, or as claimed property.

So basically, those descended from the Hogwarts houses have a claim on a seat for the school board of Hogwarts once of age, or can be used by proxy, or, Voldemort can have Harry added to his inheritance because of the Horcrux.

  • Salazar's Basilisk, because it recognized Tom Riddle as a master or whatever you want to call it, will listen to Harry.
  • Voldemort, if sane in the story, or after broken compulsions, can without much repercussion be housed in Harry's body alongside him, and with a body can claim magical guardian of Harry.
  • Perhaps if he stays with Harry he can convince him to find Snape after a particularly cruel punishment, be it from the Dursley's, or a professor (coughumbridgecough)

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Summary: Harry spends some time with Prof. Snape and the Slytherin House while learning that the House of the Serpent isn't as evil as everyone thought they were.

  • Harry can be either a baby, child, or teenager
  • The Hogwarts Founders MUST be alive (in person or in portraits)
  • The Marauders have to be alive as well
  • James and Lily have to be either Harry's godparents, or Severus' adopted brother and sister

Bonus Points:
  • Severus and Harry are biological parent and child
  • Harry and Severus can be either male or female
  • Character bashing can be allowed
  • Voldemort is good and is married to Severus
  • Ron doesn't know when to shut up
  • Harry is resorted into Slytherin/ the Heir of Hogwarts

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Summary: We've all seen the stories where, due to amnesia, Harry forgets Severus is his father after an established relationship. Tell us the story of how one Severus Snape forgets Harry is his son after an accident or the other. Let the ansgst ensue!
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Summary: The killing curse had an unintended consequence on Harry in that he is no longer able to speak or write English. Instead, he is only able to Parseltongue to communicate.

Harry's only form of communication is Parseltongue. If he tries to write, it becomes Parseltongue. If he tries to speak, it's only Parseltongue.

-Harry can't understand English.
-Harry sorted into Slytherin

Extra points if:
-Snape picks him up instead of Hagrid
-Snape learns some Parseltongue
-"Severus" sounds close to the Parseltongue for bat.

Actual linguistics not required, just have fun playing with the language and the difficulties it brings.

*Extra extra points if you can find my old account and this (very much unfinished) story
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Summary: Snape can talk Parseltongue, but he won't use this innate ability to help Harry in his second year until.... * you do the rest :) Bonus if Snape finds out about the Dursleys.
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Summary: (my first challenge so be kind please!) Snape is Harry's biological father (I figure a potion could let two men have a child), but Tom Riddle is his other--unknown-- parent. Raised by Snape, who fully believes Dumbledore about the prophecy, Harry grows up thinking he has to kill Voldemort or be killed. When he finds out his target is actually his own father, how does it affect his relationship with the only parent he's ever known?
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Summary: What if from the moment Harry set foot in Hogwarts Snape was on his side and was his fiercest supporter? How would that change things for Harry and his friends?

- Harry and Snape somehow know each other prior to Harry attending Hogwarts.
- Harry and Snape know they are father and son, but Harry hasn't been allowed to stay with Snape because he has to stay at the Dursleys. Before Hogwarts Snape visited with him regularly, or he didn't.
- When Harry gets to Hogwarts he has no idea who Snape is or why this teacher is advocating for him on his behalf and being nice to him.
- Some kind of deaging happened and Harry doesn't remember he's gone to Hogwarts before? He wonders who this Snape guy is and how he seems to know so much about Harry. It could all be a set-up, something the adults did intentionally for some reason.

Preferably at least a one shot and no drabbles.
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Summary: Sometimes Hogwarts hosts a summer camp for a week after students leave for end of term. What the camp is and is about is up to you. Harry wants to spend one less week at the Dursleys so he stays.

- They need older students to stay and help run camp.
- The camp is to learn fun magic skills not usually taught in the term.
- The camp is for Muggle raised kids.
- The camp involves field trips.
- The camp is for Quidditch or other magic sports and hobbies.
- The camp is for first time prefects to be trained.
- Kids at camp don't sleep in the house dorms.
- The camp isn't for students but for pre Hogwarts students.
- Dumbledore isn't heading or in charge of the camp.
- There are non-Hogwarts adults that also volunteer for a day here or there.
- It's a career preview type of camp so kids see what adults do for work.
- Harry's friends attend too... Or they don't.
- Since it's camp and not school rules are different.

So many possibilities.
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