Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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Summary: During a special Quidditch match between Hogwarts and a rival school (taking place AT Hogwarts) the rivals bring an live golden snidget for the game. Harry catches it, being extremely careful not to harm the creature, and it instantly falls in love with him. It follows him everywhere. If they cage it up, when they let it loose for games it just flies straight to Harry. Your choice what ends up happening with it. I really want to read this, so someone adopt it? Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes*
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Summary: I'm itching to read a story with Trelawney, Harry and Severus all as main characters. Problem is I can't find any. Please can someone write one???

(No slash, no character bashing, no Dark!Harry or Dark!Severus, no Horcruxes)
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Summary: Harry and Draco meet sometime before Hogwarts. (Somewhere along the lines Harry meets Severus as well: be a parenting or mentoring role). Draco and harry fall in love as only kids can. Then they don't see each other till Hogwarts. This of course changes Harry's choices (slytherin harry, severitus). Bonus for light side bashing (very minor bashing) Weasleys/dumbledore/hermione Can be sane or slightly sane dark side Would love nice lucius In depth (chapters but like not a lot; 10 at most) ... do whatever floats your boat actually.
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Summary: Harry stutters. He stutters but only under very specific kind of situation, when he is in a certain emotional state. People who knows: Hermione, Ron, Ginny (and dursleys because they are terrible people who cant ignore others' weaknesses). Conditions: Canonical Dursley abuse, peer bullying before Hogwarts. in stable relationship: Harry/Ginny, Hermione/Ron How they found out, how they support and cover for Harry is up to author's plan. Bonus: A scene taking place after Potions, where Snape did something that triggered Harry into stuttering and Snape, being Snape, taunted Harry so bad that he left the class and met up with Ginny who was having a break. Cues Ginny, unable to take it anymore, went in search of Snape behind Harry's back to confront Snape of his own bullying. Ending up Snape finding out about Harry's background and working together with ginny/hermione/ron to help Harry overcome his past abuse and stuttering. Lots of angst, hurt/comfort with happy ending! [ps. this is mainly to satisfy my own desire to read more severitus fics with ginny, hermione and ron being involved as a support system for insecure harry]
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Summary: A post-war fic: Snape survives, but is rendered permanently mute and temporarily paralyzed (think a few months). Harry comes to visit once a week. Preferably a one-shot focusing on their mutual lack of purpose after the war--it could be implied that they both want the other to live and be happy more than themselves. Bonus points if it's told from the point of view of an outside observer who is also in the infirmary (could be a major or minor character, or OC.)
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Summary: Each chapter depicts a summer in Harry's life, from pre-Hogwarts till he becomes a ward of Snape. Angst with a happy ending!
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Summary: Due to a near fatal accident in the lake shortly before Summer holidays all students have to take swimming lessons in the first week back in school.
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Summary: After Snape's death his will is read, and he left something for Harry. What did he leave Harry?
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Summary: Instead of physical education, Hogwarts students learn sword fighting and other forms of medieval Muggle defence.
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Summary: Harry somehow got a hold of the Peverell ring, and can summon the dead to visit him whenever he wants.
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