Set at the start of book five. The ever-busy Dumbledore is a little delayed in sending that howler to Petunia, and so when Vernon insists that Harry needs to leave the house as he's clearly a danger to the family, Harry is packed and down the road with no protest, causing the blood wards to break. The Dursleys instantly become a vulnerable target for Death Eaters, and Harry himself is snatched by a Death Eater, but it's Severus Snape and this is coming from a Severitus writer so you've likely already figured out where all of this is going.
Takes Place: 5th summer, 5th Year
Snape flavour: Snape is Angry, Snape Comforts, Snape is Kind, Snape is Stern
Tags: Snape-meets-Dursleys
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape, Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape
One-shot story set after So Close and before Far From Perfect. Severus and Harry are caught by surprise by a delegation of Gryffindors and teachers coming to terms with their new dynamic.
Takes Place: 4th Year
Snape flavour: Snape is Stern
Tags: Adoption
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K+
Warnings: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Updated: 14 Nov 2023 / 14 Nov 2023
Series: Coming Home
Challenges: None
“Are those carnations?”
Harry looked over to see a tall, thin man wearing dark clothes. Harry thought that he must be rather hot in the summer heat. “Yeah. They are.”
The man nodded, then asked after a slight hesitation, “Do you recognize me?”
Harry shook his head, flummoxed. “Should I?”
The man sighed. “Yes.”
“Oh,” was all Harry could think to say. “I’m sorry.”
It's summer break, and Harry is enjoying the two months off of school with his family. A strange man keeps trying to talk to him, however, and he increasingly begins to feel that something is not right.
Keep looking. For oddities. You will find them.
Takes Place: 5th summer
Snape flavour: Canon Snape, Snape is Desperate
Tags: Kidnapped
Categories: Teacher Snape > Professor Snape
Rated: K+
Warnings: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Updated: 05 Sep 2023 / 05 Sep 2023
Series: None
Challenges: None
After finding out that he isn't the son of James and Lily Potter, but rather the son of Marvolo Riddle and Severus Prince, Harry decides to backstab his "friends" and rejoin the shadows.
Takes Place: 1st Year, 2nd summer
Snape flavour: Snape Comforts, Snape is Kind, Snape is Loving, Out of Character Snape
Tags: Abuse Recovery, Alternate Universe, Creature!fic, Evil!Albus, Good!Voldemort, New Identity!Harry, Pregnancy, Slytherin!Harry
Categories: Parental Snape > Biological Father Snape
Harry gets tired of the abuse he faces with the Dursleys, Dumbledore telling him to tough it out, and now his best mates have gotten together and won't spare him a backwards glance. He tells Voldemort the Prophecy, And offers a new regime.
Takes Place: 6th summer
Snape flavour: Snape is Angry, Snape is Depressed, Snape is Desperate, Snape is Secretive, Snape is Stern
Tags: Azkaban Character, Azkaban!Harry, Evil!Harry, Injured!Snape, New Identity!Harry, Resorting, Slytherin!Harry, Snape-meets-Dursleys
Categories: Snape Equal Status to Harry > Colleague Snape and Harry
Rated: K
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Alcohol Use, Character Death, Emotional Abuse, Neglect, Out of Character, Physical Abuse, Physical Punishment Non-Spanking, Profanity, Self-harm, Suicide Themes, Torture, Violence
Chapters: 2
Completed: No
Updated: 16 May 2023 / 15 May 2023
Series: None
Challenges: None