Reviews For Whelp II -- The Wrath of Snape
I loved that Severus was able to hear Harry calling him through their bond and that Dumbledore knew where to go. The reunion between Harry and Severus was wonderful and I'm just so glad that they are together again. Poor Sirius though. He did mean well, though he went about it all wrong, but how awful for him to have to hear about how Harry has been mistreated so terribly. Now he has to accept that Severus is actually very good for Harry and is his father...we'll see how he does with that, but maybe it will help him that Harry explained how good Severus has been to him. I'm sorry that this story is nearly done, but if you have another part planned, that's excellent news! Author's Response: Hi Kristeh! Yes, I have a Part Three planned . . . well, planned maybe putting it too strongly. I have it in mind, maybe? I still haven't decided who they'll be "In Search Of" but it'll come to me, I betcha. Maybe it'll be "In Seach of Peter." You know, to clear Sirius' name. Dunno. But thank you for your review, and yes, Sirius has a lot to deal with now, but in some small way, it was . . . cathartic for Harry that this happened.
But even if Sirius is proved innocent, they will be serving hot tea in hell before Severus lets him close to Harry. I so enjoy this. Author's Response: No hot tea in hell? Hmm, what about Pomegranate lemonade? (I have an original story set in Hell, where one of the characters (Adonis) is baking cookies and serving up Pomegranate lemonade . . . because it's funny.) But I understand your point, and yes, it'll be a cold day, or at least, very chilly, before certain individuals are allowed near certain others. But maybe Part three of the series (as I just mentioned above) will be "The Seach for Peter". Thanks for reviewing!
Author's Response: Sirius is going to be facing a full on Snape Wrath before the day is through. He may even live through it. Thanks for reviewing!
Author's Response: Thanks! I'm working on Better Be Slytherin! first, but I should get back to Whelp soon.
Author's Response: Yeah, Sirius can be kind of cool. I'm not certain how close their relationship will be, but he will get to be part of Harry's life, in some way. Thanks for reviewing!
Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing! I figured three chaps of angst was enough. :)
Author's Response: You're welcome! :)
Author's Response: Well, I won't give any spoilers, except to say Sirius doesn't die for this. Thanks for reviewing!
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