Reviews For Mending Fences
Author's Response: No, I took all the happy pill. They're mine. She can't have any. :P
Does this mean Harry is actually Sev's child with Lily? I automatically assumed that he was just adopted, but this closer relationship explains it a bit more. I hope Elaine warms to Aurora soon! Author's Response: Harry is Sev's child with Lily, but they didn't find that out until he was adopted by him. I didn't spend a lot of time explaining that in the first chapter. Eileen and Aurora...we'll see. :D Thanks for the review!
Author's Response: No one got hexed... yet. Just see what I do Snape in the next chapter.
I don't know why but she makes me grin like mad... I am an evil person for sure :D Please continue as fast as you can! Author's Response: Eileen makes me grin, too! I love her! I do make her seem a little more...motherly in the next chapter, but she'll make up for that soon, I promise. And yes the next chapter has already been written, but I'm hoping to have chapter 5 done before posting 4.
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