Reviews For Birthday Memories
Author's Response: indeed he did. glad you like the story. thank you for the review.
Author's Response: thanks for reading and reviewing! Snapes dolution was totaly worth writting this fic! lol its something i can actually see 'Canon' Snape doing!
BTW, I'm way past my 51st birthday so no detention for me ;-) Author's Response: Glad you liked it! Lucky you! im stuck in detention for 21 more years! lol But its worth it as long as i get to spend it with Snape! lol
I like it! Loved how you two covered the events of Snape's previous birthdays. And the cake! That poor cake! Hahhahaha... Well done - very cute! ^^ Author's Response: thanks dream! im glad you liked it. yea, the poor cake! never let that man near a bakery! lol
Author's Response: lol, yes he did Tambra! thanks for reading and reviewing!
Author's Response: So True! loL Glad you liked it, and thanks for the Review! |
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