Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For A Life Unsettled
Title: Crash 05 Feb 2011 5:35 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor Harry. Ron is being such a prat.

    I'm glad that Molly and Arthur believe Harry now, and intend on taking action.

    Great chappie. I can't wait for the next one.
Title: Draco 05 Feb 2011 5:29 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, that was sweet. Draco is being a very good friend to Harry. I'm glad that Harry has Draco. But are they going to be like brothers, and friends, or lovers?

    Either way, Harry is lucky to have Draco.

    Author's Response:

    No, definitely not lovers, just friends.  I tried to make that clear by having Draco say that he had wished for a girl, lol.


    Thanks for all of your reviews!

Title: Crash 05 Feb 2011 5:09 am
Reviewer: Paganaidd (Signed) [Report This]
    I would like to see Molly and Arthur having words with Ron about his attitude, personally.

    Do the students realize that Harry was trying to kill himself? And what would be their reaction? Or perhaps Dumbledore has put out the word that Harry was ill and delirious?
Title: Crash 05 Feb 2011 4:48 am
Reviewer: Sevie Prince (Signed) [Report This]
    [i]"Because you're my son and I love you,"[/i]

    How Sweet!
Title: Old Wounds 05 Feb 2011 4:47 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved that scene between Vernon and Snape. Snape sounded so protective.

    Great chappie.
Title: Depressed 05 Feb 2011 4:38 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm so glad that Snape is coming around, and that Draco is turning out to be such a good friend.

    I hope that things continue to improve in Snape and Harry's relationship.

    Great story.
Title: Immune 05 Feb 2011 4:31 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, finally!!!

    I hope that Snape really makes it up to Harry now.

    I loved that last line. That was too cute.
Title: Inside Out 05 Feb 2011 4:25 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Phew! I'm so glad that Snape saved Harry. I was really holding my breath.

    Good, suspenseful chappie JA.
Title: Inside Out 05 Feb 2011 4:25 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Phew! I'm so glad that Snape saved Harry. I was really holding my breath.

    Good, suspenseful chappie JA.
Title: Grasping at Straws 05 Feb 2011 4:18 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Omg! This is so sad! What a monster Snape is ! I should give him a peace of my mind, but he'd probably give "me" detention!

    Good chapter though.

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