Title: Chapter 10: Theodore
| 07 Jun 2021 9:58 pm
Reviewer: Arti (Signed)
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Harry impulsively getting a tattoo is just like him! And I like your Theo, I hope they will become friends soon. I really love your story!
This was certainly a turn in a different direction than I was expecting! I am new to reading Severus Snape as Harry's brother, and I can't wait to find out the reasons for the subterfuge and how it impacts the war and life with Severus.
You focus on the emotions, which makes me feel for everything Harry is going through.
Title: Chapter 12: Vernon
| 04 Jun 2021 4:35 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Very well done. I don’t believe that Harry would just forgive and forget all the past problems they have. I think Harry is behaving like a teenager and himself. Thank you for updating.
Thank you for sharing the link with me. I enjoyed this opening chapter because it's so different than the usual opening. We are given a completely different POV, Petunia's, and it almost makes her seem even colder. She doesn't shy from her feelings and they are justified in her own mind, which highlights why she's such a bad person.
I think that you could use some help with how the odd thing is worded, for example: "'Of course, the whole day would be spoiled by the very thought about her!'" - grammatically speaking, it should be "the thought *of* her" not *about*.
Overall, the first chapter managed to be new and fresh, while reminding us of the start of most HP books, it was short - which is good because it didn't have a lot of plot - and the end left us reeling because the birth certificate promises a treat to come.
Thank you for sharing
Author's Response: Thank you Vee for the review :D
Thanks for the nice chapter. I’m looking forward (albeit a bit nervously) to Snape’s lecture.
Author's Response: Thank you wor review :) I'm glad you like it:D
Title: Chapter 11: Petunia
| 22 May 2021 4:34 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Very good chapter, Severus is actually being quite restrained for him but I’m sure Harry is right and he will be getting a telling off. I’m worried about what will happen when Tobias sees the mirror.
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review :)
Author's Response: LOL XD :D
Title: Chapter 10: Theodore
| 10 May 2021 8:43 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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What a cliff hanger! Severus will not be impressed! Thank you a good chapter
Author's Response: Thank you for the review :D