Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Coming Back Home
Title: A crazy idea 23 Oct 2021 9:34 pm
Reviewer: Finnerad (Signed) [Report This]
    Aah amo tu historia y tu forma de escribir. Cuando vi que habías actualizado sonreí. Me tienes enganchada.

    Pd: Siento no escribirte en inglés, lo entiendo muy bien pero se me hace difícil expresarme u.u

    Author's Response: Muchas gracias por tus palabras. Me pone contenta que te guste la historia y como escribo :) Y en cuanto a no escribirme en inglés, ¡no te preocupes! Soy española jajaja Por cierto, si te interesa, en fanfiction.net tienes la historia en castellano ;)
Title: Waking up 20 Oct 2021 8:54 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you a very good meeting between the two. It wasn’t sentimental but they were both in character to an extent but moving forward. Thank you so much for the story

    Author's Response: Thank you for taking your time to write a review for each chapter, it makes me smile and gives me motivation to keep writing. It's a rare thing nowadays to see somebody that cares about sharing their thoughts with the author, so thank you for that :) And I'm really happy that you liked their first meeting. It's actually what I wanted to show: that they didn't change completely as people and that their relationship didn't get better automatically. But also that they have grown and that they could try to improve their relationship little by little. It's one of my favourite things to see in fanfics, tbh, how they go from hating/not liking each other to being such an important part in each other's lifes. It melts my heart hahah
Title: At the infirmary 20 Oct 2021 8:33 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you a much better ending to the battle than the feast scene in the book where the dead appeared to be forgotten.

    Author's Response: Thank you for the review. I'm glad you liked it! I actually felt a bit sad about that in the books: they just sit in there to eat while so many people died and they are kinda not mentioned again. One of the reasons why I started writing this story was that I couldnt stop thinking about that and about Snape's body all alone in the Shrieking Shack and nobody caring about it :( Poor him
Title: Waking up 19 Oct 2021 11:37 am
Reviewer: Greenprince (Signed) [Report This]
    This is great!

    Author's Response: Im happy you liked it! Thank you for the review :)
Title: At the infirmary 19 Oct 2021 9:11 am
Reviewer: Finnerad (Signed) [Report This]
    Maravilloso capítulo, la espera mereció la pena. Tengo ganas de saber que ocurrirá cuando se despierte.

    Author's Response: Gracias por la review, me alegro de que te haya gustado! Subiré el siguiente capítulo en breves :)
Title: At the infirmary 19 Oct 2021 9:11 am
Reviewer: Finnerad (Signed) [Report This]
    Maravilloso capítulo, la espera mereció la pena. Tengo ganas de saber que ocurrirá cuando se despierte.
Title: Something left to do 17 Oct 2021 8:04 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Good start and very good ending. Thank you for starting a promising story

    Author's Response: Thank you for reading it and for the review! I hope you enjoy the next chapter :D
Title: Something left to do 16 Oct 2021 9:23 pm
Reviewer: Vadimmom (Signed) [Report This]
    Good start

    Author's Response: Thank you for the review!I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

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