Perseverance by cara-tanaka
Summary: After 4th year, Harry hasn't had it easy. With everything that's going on and school, how much more can he take before he reaches his breaking point? He finds help in the least expected person. Eventual Severus adopts Harry fic. AU
Categories: Healer Snape, Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Arthur, Dudley, Dumbledore, Fred George, Hagrid, Hedwig, Hermione, Lily, Luna, McGonagall, Molly, Neville, Original Character, Petunia, Ron, Sirius, Tonks, Umbridge, Vernon, Voldemort
Snape Flavour: None
Genres: Family, General, Hurt/Comfort
Media Type: None
Tags: Adoption, Alternate Universe, Snape-meets-Dursleys
Takes Place: 5th summer
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Character Bashing, Neglect, Profanity, Violence
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 44834 Read: 34799 Published: 21 Sep 2010 Updated: 17 Sep 2011
Chapter 3: Changes and First Day by cara-tanaka
Author's Notes:
Disclaimer: I don't owe anything. This is for fun.

They were standing in the graveyard, their wands drawn. The fog made it difficult to see anything around them. There was a rustling in the distance. Someone was coming.

"Kill the Spare," a high cold cruel voice said.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" A flash of green light erupted from the fog, towards -

"CEDRIC!" Harry yelled waking up in a cold sweat. Breathing heavily, Harry looked around to gather his bearings. He flopped down on the bed and closed his eyes. The memory of the graveyard haunted him every time he went to sleep. Cedric's lifeless eyes staring back at him as he died. Looking at the clock, it read 5:45am. Knowing he wasn't going to get anymore sleep, Harry threw the covers off and went for a shower. The spray of the hot water relaxed his tense muscles, washing away the stress and pain. Stepping out, Harry dresses in a pair of dark blue jeans, one of the few clothes he had that actually fitted him and a long sleeved gray shirt, another one of the few clothes which fit him.

‘I need to buy clothes,' Harry thought putting on his worn trainers. ‘And shoes' he amended. His hair mostly dry now, Harry combed his now long shoulder length hair back in a low ponytail and let his bangs fall forward hiding his scar.

He was just about to head to the door down to the kitchen when he heard a tapping on the window. Turning around, Harry saw it was an owl. Puzzled, he opened the window and let the owl in. It dropped a letter on his desk before it flew out.

Picking up the letter, Harry felt his stomach get in knots as anxiety began to seep through him as he saw the official-looking envelope and ripped it open. Why was the Ministry sending him another letter? Did they change their minds on whether or not he was expelled? Was that why they sent a missive so early in the morning? Was this their decision?

Dear Mr. Potter

Further to our letter, The Ministry of Magic has changed the date of your disciplinary hearing from the previous date to the 18th of August at 8:00am at which time an official decision will be made. You are to present yourself at Courtroom 20 at said time.

With best wishes

Yours Sincerely,

Mafalda Hophirk

Improper Use of Magic Office

Ministry of Magic

Harry read the letter three times in rapid succession. His anxiety doubled in size and he could feel his breathing start to hitch. He was having a panic attack. Forcing himself to calm down, Harry took deep breaths and counted to ten. Once his heart rate was back to normal, Harry read the letter again.

‘The 18th,' looking at the calendar by the door, ‘That's today!' Harry eyes widened in realization.  Looking at the clock, Harry saw it was 6:00am. Moving quickly, Harry grabbed his wand from the desk as well as the letter and headed out the door.

‘I need to find Mr. Weasley.' Harry thought rapidly, hurrying down the stairs as quietly and quickly as possible. He headed for the kitchen, hoping someone was there.

Opening the door, Harry breathed a brief sigh of relief. The elder Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were there along with Tonks, Sirius, Lupin and Snape. All of them were fully dressed except for Mrs. Weasley who was wearing a dressing gown. Mrs. Weasley jumped to her feet when he came in.

"Harry dear, you're up early. What can I get you?" she asked looking at him with a warm smile. His face must have shown something because her smile faded slightly. "Harry dear?" she asked

"How do I get to the Ministry of Magic?" Harry rushed out. His breathing was hitching up again and it took all of Harry's self-control to keep himself together.

"The Ministry of Magic? Arthur will take you when it's your hearing dear, but that's not for a while." Mrs. Weasley said putting a soothing hand on his shoulder. Harry handed the letter to her. "I just got this five minutes ago."

Mrs. Weasley took the letter and read it. Her face showed her alarm as she finished reading it. "Arthur," she called out. Mr. Weasley moved quickly behind his wife and wordlessly took the parchment from her. His face showed his disbelief before it morphed into anger. Harry had rarely seen such a livid look on the patriarch's face.

"Preposterous!" he spat out.

"Arthur, what is it?" Lupin asked with a sense of urgency.

"They've changed the date of the hearing. It's today. No hearing of any kind can be changed without forty-eight hour notification. This is a violation of policy." Arthur said bitingly.

"WHAT?" Sirius roared.

"What time is the hearing?" Tonks asked.

"Eight am." Arthur turned to Harry, "Harry, do you have your wand with you?" Harry nodded. He didn't trust his voice at the moment.

"Then come, I'll take you immediately. It's best if we arrive early, who knows what else they might change on short notice." Arthur smiled encouragingly at Harry. "It will be alright Harry. The law's on your side."

"Amelia Bones is Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, she'll be the one questioning you. She's fair, she'll hear you out Harry." Tonks said earnestly.

"Don't lose your temper." Sirius said abruptly though he was still seething at the Ministry for their sudden time change.

"All under-age wizards are allowed to use magic in a life or death situation Harry. You'll be cleared soon." Lupin said quietly.

"You'll be alright Harry," Tonks said patting his arm.

Arthur turned to Snape, "Could you contact Dumbledore Severus? He'll need to know about this."

Snape nodded wordlessly and got up following Mr. Weasley and Harry as they left through the door and went along the hall. Snape made his way to the parlour as Harry and Mr. Weasley headed towards the door. Before Harry walked out the door, his eyes met Snape's for a brief moment. Snape was as always unreadable but he gave the barest hint of a nod before breaking eye contact.

Harry while bewildered could feel a calm sweep through him. Snape had not made any disparaging comments or even belittling ones at his expense. If anything, he seems to be encouraging him. It was food for thought as Harry and Mr. Weasley made their way through London. He hoped this day would be over soon.


"When Dumbledore came to your defense, there's no way that you could have lost." Ron exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah," Harry agreed with a smile, Fred, George and Ginny were still singing that he got off, while Ron, Hermione and Harry were sitting at the table having lunch. The Weasleys extended their stay for another day so they could be sure everything went alright for Harry. Lupin, Moody, Kingsley and Sirius were in one corner talking in quiet voices. Tonks was with Mrs. Weasley while Bill, Charlie and Sirius were on the other side of the room. Mr. Weasley was in a conversation with Snape, who was still there surprisingly. Harry didn't think he'd be one to be around so many people, especially Gryffindors.

Harry frowned thinking of Dumbledore, "I just wish he would have talked to me at least. Or even looked at me."

Hermione patted his arm. She still seemed anxious and seemed to want to say something. Seeming to be at a loss of words, Hermione settled for smiling at Harry while patting him comfortingly.

The hearing went well if you didn't count the time being changed from eight in the morning to seven thirty in the morning. Good thing was that Mr. Weasley and Harry had arrived at the Ministry by seven am so Harry was able to get there on time.

Fudge had tried his hardest to get Harry expelled but Madam Bones had heard Harry's side of the story and when Dumbledore came to his defense, swayed opinions more to him. He was cleared of all charges though Fudge and the witch next to him, who had a toad like face and wore a disgusting shade of pink among three others, seemed to want to convict him.

The downside after the trial was over was that Dumbledore left without another word to Harry. He still didn't understand that, why did Dumbledore not speak to him? Running into Malfoy was still annoying but there wasn't much he could do on that front.

The only one who didn't seem all that happy about Harry getting off was Sirius. For the life of him, Harry couldn't understand why that was. Shouldn't Sirius be happy that he wasn't expelled?

Hogwarts letters had arrived later earlier in the day. Ron and Hermione had been made Prefect. Mrs. Weasley had combined the celebrations together, congratulating them on their new positions and Harry on being cleared of charges.

It wasn't until the table was cleared that Harry remembered the discussion from last night. He recalled Sirius had said even if he was cleared of all charges, he would have to stay indoors until September 1st. Releasing a sigh, Harry felt his happy mood deflate a bit. He wasn't expelled but he couldn't leave by himself.

As if sensing his thoughts, Sirius took the seat in front of him. "Congratulations Harry," He said with a smile, though it seemed forced to Harry. Harry smiled back.

"Hate to bring the mood down, but we need to talk." Sirius said seriously. Harry's smile faded but he kept his attention nevertheless on his Godfather. Conversation all around seemed to have stopped like before. ‘Déjà-vu anyone?' Harry thought sarcastically.

"You remember the conversation we had yesterday?" Sirius asked to start off. Both decided to not to mention the argument that followed shortly after though Harry could feel himself go red in embarrassment.

"I remember." Harry said quietly. He really wasn't looking forward to this conversation.

"You're going to have to stay in headquarters for safety reasons. While I know you don't think it's ideal, it's for the best." Sirius looked at him with a serious expression, trying to make sure Harry understood the necessity of this. Finding what he saw, he continued. "Originally the plan was that there would be various Order members who would drop in and check on you three times a day. There been a change however." He grimaced. It was obvious Sirius was not happy with this change. Harry felt anxious looking at him. This was not a good sign. "Rather than having different Order members drop by, Dumbledore has decided, one is sufficient." He spat out.

"That's...a bad thing?" Harry questioned anxiously, unsure of the reason of his Godfather's ire.

"Sirius," Lupin said warningly. "Don't start anything."

"I don't agree with Dumbledore's choice." Sirius spat out viciously.

"I didn't volunteer for the position Black." A cold voice acidly interrupted Sirius rant.

Harry froze. He slowly turned to the voice. ‘Don't be him, don't be him, don't be him,' he wished fervently. His green eyes met the cold black eyes of Severus Snape. ‘It's him,' he thought discouragingly. What the hell is Dumbledore thinking?

Harry's eyes met Hermione and Ron who figured it out too. Snape was going to be watching over him.

"As your dogfather is attempting to tell you Potter," Snape said in a quiet voice filled with vitriol, "the Headmaster, in is esteem wisdom," he sneered showing exactly what he thought of the Headmaster idea, "feels that you require constant supervision and has assigned me the deplorable duty to watch over your pathetic skin until the start of term."

"Severus," Mrs. Weasley admonished sternly.

"Watch your mouth Snivellus!" Sirius sneered at Snape. There was a crash as Snape suddenly stood up from his chair and whipped his wand out, his face contorted in fury. Harry had never seen Snape have such a look of loathing on his face. Even at himself. Sirius had drawn his wand too.

"Never call me that name again Black!" Snape spat out, dark eyes glaring murderously at him.

"Try and stop me!" Sirius goaded. There was a mad look in his eyes, one that Harry had never seen before. But Harry had seen this particular look before. Dudley always had a gleam in his eyes right before he humiliated Harry and mercilessly teased him. Harry felt like he was hit with a bludger. He felt a sense of empathy with Snape. ‘Snape was bullied?' That was a disturbing thought. What was more disturbing was that it looked like Sirius was Snape's tormentor. The incident of Sirius mentioning tricking Snape into following Lupin into the Shrieking Shack came to mind. It suddenly seemed much more cruel and vicious. ‘Was Dad a bully too?' he wondered, feeling a sense of dread within him. "You are arrogant just like your pathetic father. He never thought the rules applied to him either." Snape had once said that to him.

"ENOUGH!" Lupin suddenly shouted. With a wave of his wand, he disarmed both men and grabbed their wands in mid-air as it flew towards him.

"Lupin, give me my wand back!" Snape growled turning his death glare to him.

"Not until I'm certain there won't be a blood bath tonight." Lupin said firmly.

"Moony-" Sirius started but was interrupted as Lupin cut him off.

"NO, Sirius. I told you not to start anything and you did the exact opposite." Lupin spoke angrily. "You started this and you damn well know it."

"Oh come on-" Sirius started again but Remus cast a silencing charm on him. He had enough of this.

"I have had enough of your immaturity Sirius. You're an adult so start acting like it. This is not about you or whatever qualms you have with Severus. This is about telling Harry what he needs to know and what's best for him." Lupin turned to Snape. "I'm not going to say much on the matter Severus, you have every right to be angry at Sirius, and I don't blame you for that." Snape snorted at this. "However, I will have to ask you to try and calm down so we can finish this discussion in a mature manner."

Turning back to Sirius, "Padfoot, you owe Severus an apology. Can I trust you to do that or will I have to stun you?" he asked severely. Sirius looked mutinous. As Sirius didn't make an indication, Lupin took matters into his own hands. "Stupefy." The red blot hit Sirius as his face registered surprise. Levitating him, Lupin directed Sirius to a corner of the room and lowered him gently.

Turning back to Snape, he gave the man his wand back while placing Sirius' on the table.

No one spoke a word or moved an inch during the entire time. Harry however was feeling more than alarmed. The events of the last few moments were not something he would have ever expected from his Godfather. From Snape he could maybe understand, the man did have a bad temper when provoked and never hesitated to tell you what he thought. If anyone, Harry would have thought Snape would be the one to resort to name calling. But there seemed to be more to this than that. When Sirius called Snape that name, Harry saw the anger and loathing in his eyes. It was unmistakable. But he thought he also glimpsed something else...something akin to hurt, pain.

He turned to where Sirius was laying. Harry was no stranger to hurt and ridicule. He experienced enough of it at the hands of his cousin, especially when they went ‘Harry Hunting'. This side of Sirius disturbed him. What's more, he didn't seem to have any remorse. ‘Just like Dudley.' Harry thought with alarm.

His thoughts must have been expressed on his face though taken for something else, as Lupin turned to him and spoke in a quiet voice, raking his hand through his hair. "He'll be alright Harry." He said tiredly, mistaking Harry's alarm at the situation, unaware of his thoughts "I just don't have the energy to deal with his bullheadedness right now."

Harry nodded. He turned to look at Snape. He seemed to have calmed down as his face went back to being unreadable. That could mean anything but Harry was certain of what he saw before. He opened his mouth but then closed it before he said anything. He had the urge to ask Snape if he was alright but looking at the guarded eyes, Harry thought it would be best if he didn't say anything at all. His head was starting to hurt from everything that was going on.

"This was not how the conversation was to go but it seems there's nothing for it." Lupin said with a sigh.

"Potter," Snape suddenly spoke. Harry straightened up and turned his attention to his Professor. "Tuck in for the night."

Harry blinked. "But-" he started only to be abruptly cut off.

"But nothing." Snape said with a hard gleam in his eye. "All you need to know for now Potter is that I have been given the task of watching over you until the start of term. Whatever needed to be discussed can be discussed tomorrow morning as I will have to reside in this...hordeolum until then." He sneered. "I have no desire to be in this situation anymore than you do Potter, on that account, you and I can both agree."

Harry opened his mouth to argue but then changed his mind. It wouldn't get him anywhere. Besides, there would be plenty of time tomorrow to try and get answers.

"I'll be dropping by myself later in the week since I have a day off coming soon. But otherwise, the Professor will be here mostly." Tonks said to Harry kindly.

Harry smiled at her. At least Tonks would be dropping by so he wouldn't just have Snape for company.

"Oi, don't forget about us." Fred exclaimed from Harry's right.

"Yeah, we're dropping by to see Harry too." George added.

"That's not fair, why can't we come then too?" Ron asked gesturing to Hermione, Ginny and himself. Mrs. Weasley put a stop to any further arguments.

Fred and George argued some more and were able to convince their parents over but the rest weren't so lucky.

"Enough!" Snape's voice cut through the hubble. "I believe you all have a long day tomorrow, perhaps Molly, your brood should consider turning in as well along with Mr. Potter and Miss. Granger." It was not a suggestion.

Mrs. Weasley immediately ushered everyone upstairs for bed, taking the hint for what it was. As they were about to leave, Harry heard Mrs. Weasley turn to Snape. "Severus, as you're looking after Harry, I've prepared the room across from his for you. It's also closest to the potions lab upstairs."

Snape muttered his thanks while Harry groaned internally. He was sleeping across from Snape. He felt his headache get worse. Bidding the others goodnight and rushing to his room, not wanting to run into Snape, Harry changed into pajamas and slipped under the covers and fell asleep almost immediately as his head hit the pillow. He'd deal with everything tomorrow.


Breakfast seemed very awkward next morning. The usual hustle and bustle with the Weasley family was subdued. Whether it was because they were leaving after breakfast or because Snape was present at the table and glowering at everybody, Harry didn't know. Either way, the noise level was greatly subdued. If Snape was even aware his presence might be putting a damper of things, he didn't show it.

They left shortly after nine in the morning. Ron and Hermione promised to write and be careful what they put in their letters, same with Ginny. They gave Harry their own belated birthday gifts before leaving. The twins would drop by later on in the week or when they had to go to Diagon Alley.

Lupin and Sirius left at the same time too. Remus had to start his mission for the Order and Sirius had some mission to do as well, though things seemed strained between them. It looked as if Sirius was still mad about last night. "If he gives you any grief Harry, let me know and I'll take care of him." He said seriously before leaving, patting Harry on the back, glaring at Lupin as if daring him to say something. Harry smiled. It was nice to have someone who cares. His smile faded as he left though. Harry still vividly remembered the gleam in his godfather's eyes from last night. He wasn't really sure what to think of him.

At the moment however, it's going to have to wait as he's sitting across from Snape after everyone left. Feeling eyes on him, Harry looked up and saw inscrutable black eyes watching him. It was unnerving. Harry looked everywhere but at Snape.

"Potter," Snape spoke softly. Harry turned his attention back to Snape. "As I stated last night, the Headmaster has deemed it necessary that I be your...keeper," he sneered. Harry glared at Snape in response. "Nevertheless," he continued as if Harry hadn't glared death at him, "I will do my duty. Be warned Potter," he said seriously with a hard gleam in his eye "There will be rules and you will obey them least you wish to incur my wrath. You may be able to get others to bend the rules for you but you will do no such thing with me. Or there will be consequences." He finished grimly. "Is that understood?"

Harry glared at Snape. If looks could kill, he'd be dead right now. Who did he think he was? Bend the rules. Hah. Harry never had anyone bend the rules for him, they did it themselves. But of course, Snape would think he bends the rules for himself.

‘If Dad was like that too and did the same thing, can you blame him?' a voice asked in his head.

‘I'm not Dad.' Harry argued back. ‘Besides, Dad was a good guy. He wouldn't do anything like that.'

‘Are you sure?' the voice countered.

‘Of course I'm sure.' Harry argued back. ‘Why wouldn't I be?'

‘Even if Dad bended the rules that let him get away with bullying?' the voice stated.

Harry paused. ‘Dad's not a bully.' Harry countered though it sounded uncertain, even to him.

‘Then what was last night?' the voice argued. ‘Sirius couldn't have hid that kind of behaviour from Dad and if Dad knew and Sirius still did it, it means he was in on it or a part of it. And he got away with it.'

Harry recalled last night again. Were his Dad and Godfather bullies? Was that why Snape hated them? Because they bullied him and got away with it? ‘Is that why he hates me too?' Harry wondered.

"I asked, is that understood Potter?" Snape's voice cut through Harry's thoughts and he startled. He'd been quiet too long and Snape seemed to not have taken that well judging by the scowl on his face.

Harry gritted his teeth, shaking his head from his thoughts. "Crystal." He bit out.

"Mind you tone with me Potter," Snape growled out. The boy would drive him to madness. Arrogant, thinks the world lies at his feet to answer his beck and call. ‘Just like his thrice damned father' Snape thought savagely. "Or I can make the next two weeks very miserable for you." He said threateningly.

Harry gulped. He didn't doubt that for a minute. ‘Control your blasted temper Harry and just try to get along with the man. It's two weeks and then he's out of your hair.' He scolded himself internally.

‘Until you're back at Hogwarts.' The voice from before pointed out.

‘We won't be under the same roof. Now shut up.' Harry said back.

Harry cleared his throat nervously. "You...," he hesitated before continuing, "You said there would be rules." He said uncertain whether this was a better change in topic but anything was better than continuing to debate with himself. The sooner he got Snape's rules out of the way, the sooner he could explore the house. Maybe even start on the twins and Tonks drawings.

Snape paused while looking at Harry. He seemed to be looking through Harry as if trying to find his soul. Harry hated the feeling of being so exposed. Snape then smirked. Harry felt decidedly more uncomfortable than before. This could not be good.

"Ahh yes, the rules." Snape smirked as if there was something amusing. He looked like Christmas had come early. "Granted that common sense is a foreign concept to you Potter but even you should be capable of following simple instructions." Snape said with an amused look in his eye. Harry glared at the man yet again. He was really getting tired of this.

"First and foremost Potter," Snape began, "It is my summer too. And while loathe as I am to spend it in your company, I refuse to allow you to ruin my own vacation. I refuse to put up my Professor persona even when I am stuck in this rundown house. If you ever repeat anything you see and hear; I will have you in detention until you graduate. Is that clear?" he paused to make sure Harry understood the message before continuing.

"The rules Potter are simple. You will report to me at every meal time so I may know you are alive. You will not touch anything in this house that has not been cleared by the Order and you will not go exploring." He grounded out as if he read Harry's mind on what he was going to do. "You will not leave the premises and if you require anything Potter, I expect you to bring it to my attention, understood?"

Harry nodded. He didn't trust his voice at the moment so he left it at that. "And Potter," Snape spoke in a slow and monotonous voice, "Failure to follow will result in a very unpleasant day."

Snape paused for a moment, making sure everything was registered. "You are allowed to go the parlour, the library wretched excuse of one though it may be and the kitchen and of course your room. Everywhere else is off limits."

Harry nodded his assent. No need to go looking for trouble especially with Snape less than a second away. Snape looked as if he was examining a potions ingredient at the moment, looking at Harry.

"Go do something constructive if you're able. Lunch will be at twelve." Snape said before storming out of the kitchen and heading presumably to the lab that was set up. Harry slowly got off and made his way down the hall and headed towards his own bedroom slowly. Harry entered his room and looked about. Despite the window, the room still looked gloomy. Making a quick decision, he grabbed his art and books and headed downstairs again this time heading to the library across the kitchen.

Opening the door cautiously, he breathed a sigh of relief. Snape wasn't here. He didn't want to run into the man at the moment. The library looked as if it had seen better days but nevertheless it was a comfortable space. The walls were lined with shelves of books while in between the north wall laid a fireplace. There was a comfortable couch to the side of the fireplace with a center table in front of it. An armchair lay closer to the fireplace with an ottoman placed underneath it. A large French window gave light from behind the sofa set framed by dark curtains.

There was a desk to the corner of the library but Harry decided to leave that alone. Taking a seat by the armchair, Harry placed his load down and made his way over to one of the bookshelves. Brushing his fingers along the spine of the books, Harry browsed the titles hoping to find something to give him inspiration. He wanted to try different subject matters but wanted something to help start it off first.

The books seemed to be of questionable topics. Most seem to center around philosophy of the pure-bloods while others seem to be books on dark curses. ‘Best to leave those alone.' He thought wearily. He finally seemed to come across something that sparked his interest. Creatures of the World by Hokins Hipplesnap. Feeling his curiosity peaked; Harry slowly pulled the book out, half expecting it to bite him. When he saw all his limbs intact, he proceeded to cautiously open the book and smiled. Here was something to work with. The book was an encyclopaedia of animals that were found around the world, some magical such as the Minotaurs of Greece and the Sphinx of Egypt while other were animals muggles were more familiar with such as the armadillo and lions.

Settling down, Harry browsed through the book and observed the pictures. Deciding to start with something small, Harry choose a picture of an arctic rabbit and began to draw. He did this with for a few reasons. One, animals; it was a subject matter he was planning to use to make the twins and Tonks pictures. Two, he got in practice with the shapes and structures of different animals to be familiar with their anatomy. Three, by practicing drawing the animals from the books, not only would he be brushing up his skills, he would sharpening his observation skills and be able to draw a picture of his own without the use of a visual aid.

Engrossed in his work, time flew Harry by. He was unaware of anything except his pencil, furs, claws and feathers. So unaware was he that he didn't even realize that lunch time flew by or that the door to the library opened. He startled badly when a hand suddenly gripped his shoulder. He yelped and met black eyes.

"Potter," Snape hissed dangerously. "What did I tell you this morning?" he demanded.

Harry shook his head and tried to calm his racing heart. What the hell was the matter with Snape? He was puzzled and annoyed at his anger.

"What time is it?" Snape curtly demanded, trying to rein in his temper. Harry looked at the clock. Twelve forty-five. Oh. He paled as he realized he missed lunch. And paled further when he realized Snape had said to report to him during meal times.

"What did I tell you just three hours ago?" he asked sternly. Harry gulped. " said lunch was at twelve." Harry said hesitantly.

"What else Potter?" Snape threw out, glaring at Harry as if he would combust.

" report to you," Harry said shakily "At meal times." He quickly amended.

"Four rules Potter." Snape spoke calmly though his voice went silkily low. Harry knew that tone. The calmer Snape was and the lower his tone, the more dangerous. "Four rules," he reiterated "and you could not even follow one of them. This is a record even for you."

"I'm sorry..." Harry began but Snape wouldn't hear of it.

"Sorry doesn't cut it you imbecile." Snape said irritatingly. "You're complete lack of regard for others is infuriating Potter. You've simply proven to me that you cannot be trusted to your own devices."

Harry snapped. "Look, it was an honest mistake. I'm sorry alright?"

"Mind your tone with me Potter." Snape snapped. "Until I say otherwise, you will be supervised everywhere you go by me. No where are you to be alone as you're likely to simply get yourself in a mess that'll I will eventually have to deal it."

"What?" Harry exclaimed. "I'm fifteen, not five. I don't need to be constantly supervised." He seethed out.

"Then start acting like it." Snape snapped. "Until then, you're on a short leash Potter. I suggest you start cleaning up your act. I warned you I won't put up with your attitude this summer. Don't push me." He hissed.

With that he marched Harry out of the library and into the kitchen forcibly pushing him down on a chair at the table and putting a plate of grilled chicken and steamed vegetables in front of him. Harry blinked. This was unexpected. Snape actually cooked?

"Eat Potter. I won't have the blasted Order accuse me of starving you." Snape said in a bored tone sitting across from him and picking up the newspaper. Harry flinched at ‘starving' but quickly schooled his face into an impassive mask. Lunch was a tense affair. Snape seemed to have already eaten judging by the clean plate by the sink as that wasn't there earlier. No other words were exchanged and the meal passed in silence. After clearing his plate, Harry put the dishes away and headed to the door.

"Forgotten already Potter?" Snape said in a bored voice folding his paper and getting up from his seat.

Harry glared back and wondered whether it would be worth it to flip Snape the bird. With a nod of his head, Snape indicated Harry leave and he would follow. Harry felt smothered and was trying to control his temper as he made his way back to the library.

The rest of the day passed similarly. Neither spoke to the other unless necessary and stayed on the other ends of the library. Snape made sure Harry was within his sights at all times and Harry made sure to stay away from Snape as humanly possible in the library.

Dinner passed the same as lunch only he ate with Snape this time. No conversation, no acknowledgment. Mrs. Weasley had left some food behind to last for two weeks most of which were his favourites among a few other choices. Harry couldn't even taste his dinner with his temper simmering below the surface which was his favourite, chicken fried rice.

"It is now ten o' clock." Snape said in a monotone voice.

Harry blinked, looking up confusedly. " giving me a bedtime?" he asked. "Sir?" he quickly amended seeing the look Snape gave him.

Snape snorted. "I'm doing nothing of the kind. I'm simply stating that I expect you to stay in your room doing whatever you do until you pass out." He said in a bored tone. "I'm well aware of your night time wandering habits Potter. You will not get away with such while I am here."

Harry simply sighed and nodded. He was too exhausted doing anything else. His migraine had come back and all he wanted was to feel the soft pillow under his head. Retiring to his room, Harry completed his business and changed into his baggy pyjamas. They were another hand me down from Dudley. ‘I really need to get new clothes.' He thought sleepily as his head hit the pillow. Before sleep overtook him, he thought he heard the door to his room creak open and a tall shadow enter and stood besides his bed. He felt his covers pulled up and tucked around him before the presence left. He passed it off as his imagination as he sunk back into his pillow and let sleep claim him.


The next morning Harry woke up early again. Five-thirty in the morning. He really needed to get more sleep. He slowly got up and then slowed down and his head was spinning. The birds chirping outside were hurting his head. Slowly, he steadily made his way to the bathroom and turned the light on. He blinked at the harshness of the light hurt his head even more. Gritting his teeth, Harry slowly did his morning ablutions and splashed his face with cold water. Changing into the only other pair of light blue jeans and brown shirt that fit him, Harry slowly opened the door and crept down the stairs.

He entered the kitchen and sat down at the table, laying his head down on his arms hoping to control some of the spinning of his head. The light really hurt. The dark helped to relieve some of the pain so Harry took a few deep breaths to help with the pain. Slowly, he lifted his head on his elbows, burying his head in his hands just a little longer. ‘Snape better not make a mockery of this, the greasy bat.' He thought then immediately felt ashamed.

He raked his hand through his hair before tucking some of it behind his ear. Snape had actually been decent about everything. He was certainly more pleasant and even nice than he was at school. Well, nice for Snape anyway. Harry had to admit though the supervision things sucked but that was again his own fault for not being aware of the time. There were barely any disparaging remarks from him or even belittling ones except the lecture he received when he missed lunch.

Harry had been most uncooperative with Snape yesterday and the man was only doing his job. Well duty, he guessed. Still, Harry couldn't help but feel guilty. He didn't make things easier for Snape with his temper. And Dumbledore, Harry frowned at the thought of him. Dumbledore was another story. Harry didn't know what to think of him right now. Certainly he didn't think that Dumbledore would push him and Snape together knowing their volatile history. But then again, Dumbledore always did what he wanted. He felt bad for Snape though because he knew what it was like to be somewhere you didn't want to be.

He hated being a burden.

That was exactly what he was though. He was a burden to Snape. Unwanted. The same could be said to his friends. They liked him but it was too dangerous for him to be around them. It seemed all he did was make things harder for the people around him. The Dursleys certainly never hid the fact that's what they always thought of him as. Freak. Useless. Worthless. A burden.

Saying sorry seemed inadequate for the temper and Harry's unwillingness to cooperate with the dour Potions Professor yesterday. Getting up, Harry took out a frying pan and some eggs. He'll make breakfast for two. Maybe, it would be an adequate apology for yesterday. Letting the oil heat up, Harry took out some plates and set the table. Quietly as he could as even the slightest noise was causing him pain. He started making some toast while he fried the eggs and took out some orange juice from the icebox.

He had just finished putting the eggs on a plate when the door opened to admit Snape into the door. He paused in the doorway as he took in the scene. He raised an eyebrow as he saw the table and breakfast. "Cooking Potter?" he asked sardonically.

Harry shrugged in response and turned to place the pan in the sink. "I wasn't sure when you'd be up, so I thought I'd make enough for two anyways." He said quietly, not wanting to admit he was saying sorry as well. Hopefully, Snape would take it as a peace offering.

"Not attempting to poison me, are you Potter?" Snape said softly as he took a seat and Harry took the one opposite him.

Harry snorted, "I'm not suicidal." He blurted out before he could stop himself. He felt himself flush and busied himself with his food. "Sorry." He mumbled to his plate, not looking at Snape and missing his surprised expression as he heard the apology.

Snape said nothing as he schooled his expression into a passive mask. This was certainly unexpected. He looked at the prepared food and helped himself to some eggs and toast. There was some tea made as well next to the juice. Good. He could use some.

Breakfast passed as quietly as dinner last night though it wasn't as uncomfortable as before. Harry ate his breakfast slowly as his migraine, as he recognized it now still hurt. When he finished, he put gathered his plates and Snape's as well as he had finished his breakfast before Harry and pushed his plate back.

Harry leisurely cleaned the plates. He always found that cleaning dishes helped relax him. Putting the dishes away, Harry turned back to see Snape regarding him intently. Feeling like an open book, Harry asked, "Anything I should know?" in an attempt to distract Snape.

Snape simply raised an eyebrow at the change in topic and let it slip. He simply turned back to his paper. Harry slowly made his way to the door.

"Potter," Snape called in a bored tone. Harry turned back to face him. "Stay out of trouble when you wander around." He continued to read his paper without looking at him.

Harry blinked before he slowly smiled. Snape just basically told him he could be by himself as long as he didn't do anything stupid. Maybe the next two weeks wouldn't be so bad after all.

To be continued...
End Notes:
Next in Perseverance:

The days progress and Tonks come visiting. But something unexpected happens after. Please review and let me know what you think. :)

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