Takes Place: 2nd summer | Chapters: 3 |
Snape flavour: None | Completed: No |
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape | Genres: Family, General |
Tags: Adoption | Word count: 8759 |
Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Sinistra | Read: 13250 |
Summary: Harry and Snape need to find a new home for the summer.
Story Notes: A special thanks to Lady Lanera for beta'ing this for me. Thanks, Lan! Check out her stuff. It's amazing! Table of Contents
1. Chapter 1 by DaughterOfAres [Reviews - 14] Hi all! Okay, so this is meant to be a oneshot. And a oneshot it will stay...for now. :D 2. Chapter 2 by DaughterOfAres [Reviews - 6] 3. Chapter 3 by DaughterOfAres [Reviews - 7] Let's not mention how long it's been since I updated. It's better that way. To be continued...
DaughterOfAres is the author of 16 other stories.
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