Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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[Reviews - 43] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: “It’s like playing a game,” Harry said. “A judging game. You sit and listen and at the end of the day you’ll decide whether Severus Snape deserves to die or not.” His father had spent his whole life trying to protect Harry from the outside world, from himself, at the expense of his own life. Now it was Harry's turn to at least try.

*Fic Submission for the first annual Tri-Writing Tournament. (Round Three)

Story Notes:
Very mildly inspired by 'The Imitation Game'. Go watch it, it's a masterpiece.

*The Summary was updated!*
Table of Contents

1. Chapter 1; The Judging Game by Hopeless Wanderer [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (2937 words) Printer

A little early for this round, but this is going to be a multi-chaptered fic, so I think I'm good!

Prompts used in this chapter;

Warnings; mild swearing, anger issues, explicit depiction of violence, and major character death. (Not Snape or Harry)


2. Chapter 2; Feather Party by Hopeless Wanderer [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar (5805 words) Printer

Warnings for; Explicit language, Anger issues

3. Chapter 3; Tinsel Mess by Hopeless Wanderer [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (6723 words) Printer

Warnings: Explicit language, Mild bleeding, Anger issues

I strongly suggest you guys listen to 'Broken Crown' by 'Mumford and sons' while reading this chapter.

Prompt(s) used from the tournament:

_Snow Angels

4. Chapter 4; Horrible Sanity by Hopeless Wanderer [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (6391 words) Printer

Major trigger warnings/Spoilers!

Warnings for: extreme violence, unintentional homicide of four minors, explicit language, mutilation (only mentioned), bullying, and trauma.

Prompt(s) used in this chapter:

_someone calls Snape “Scrooge”

5. Chapter 5; Ollie Ollie Oxen Free by Hopeless Wanderer [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (5901 words) Printer

Sorry if this one took me a while. Real life has been insane.

Warning(s) for: explicit language

6. Chapter 6; Santa's Nemesis by Hopeless Wanderer [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (7473 words) Printer

Warning(s) for: explicit language, graphic depictions of murder (not carried out), anger issues

I loved writing this chapter so much.

7. Chapter 7; The Caged Raven by Hopeless Wanderer [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (8605 words) Printer

I know it's been too long, and I'm so sorry about that. Real life is kicking my butt.

Warning(s) for: explicit language, murder, and violence (only mentioned), abuse and bullying (only mentioned)

8. Chapter 8; the Sins of Our Fathers by Hopeless Wanderer [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (8869 words) Printer

thank you ALL, for sticking with this story thus far! I know it takes me a while to write new chapters and that's because this coming June I'm taking a SUPER important certification test that pretty much determines my future...unfortunately that means the writing process will be slower than usual.
but this story and my other stories WILL be finished and updated-albeit at a slower pace than usual-and after June...Ohhh I have so many plans for after June, and cannot wait to tell you all about it!

Warning(s): Explicit language, Child neglect (explicit), Child abuse

9. Chapter 9; The Slow Gun Was Stolen by Hopeless Wanderer [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (5469 words) Printer

Warning(s) for: explicit language.

10. Chapter 10: Rarely Pure and Never Simple by Hopeless Wanderer [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (7681 words) Printer

So sorry if I've been keeping you guys waiting for a while. A lot of things going on in rl, including a certificate exam coming up in thirty day-wish me luck!-

Warning(s) for: Explicit language, first degree murder (only referenced)

To be continued...
Hopeless Wanderer is the author of 29 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 11 members. Members who liked Wonders Never Cease also liked 290 other stories.

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