1. Chapter 1, A Forest Flight by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 5] (2926 words)
2. Chapter 2, Trial by Fire by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 1] (2175 words)
[AN. Warning, torture implied. This chapter consists of what's going on in the first five chapters from Snape's POV.]
3. Chapter 3, Adjusting by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 2] (2366 words)
4. Chapter 4, Horcruxes, Occlumency, and Lily by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 3] (4723 words)
5. Chapter 5, Mind Link by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 2] (3731 words)
6. Chapter 6, The Headmaster by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 1] (1260 words)
7. Chapter 7, Hogsmeade by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 2] (2038 words)
8. Chapter 8, The Battle of Hogsmeade by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 1] (4581 words)
9. Chapter 9, A New Bond by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 1] (5123 words)
10. Chapter 10, Discussing Horcruxes by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 0] (3007 words)
11. Chapter 11, Severus Finds His Wings by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 0] (2693 words)
12. Chapter 12, An Unspeakable Mess by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 0] (5011 words)
13. Chapter 13, Pansy's Treachery by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 0] (2876 words)
14. Chapter 14, The Battle of Hogwarts by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 1] (3535 words)
15. Chapter 15, The End of the Matter by Prince Sahar [Reviews - 2] (3968 words)
If you liked this, there is a sequel coming called Phoenix Triumphant, which will be crossposted on Fanfiction.net. If you like faster updates, go to my profile there (Lorde Shadowz). If you like longer updates, you should probably wait for it to be posted here or on AO3 (Lorde_Shadowz) :) This has been a journey, you guys! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
The End.
Prince Sahar is the author of 3 other stories.
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