Story Notes:
Disclaimer: I'm not British. I am not a millionaire. I'm not the owner of Harry Potter, I just enjoy writing fanfiction.
Additional information (to try and keep the story writing more concise) will be periodically found in the story notes. Please read for better explanations as to what the heck is going on. If you so desire that is.
1. Poor Boy by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 2] (1339 words)
No Snape in this chapter. He'll be here soon, not to worry. I did take a number of artistic licenses with some of the medical equipment, but the general idea of what is going on with Harry is sound enough.
2. Retrieval by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 3] (1495 words)
Height and weight stuff:
3 stone= 42lbs= 19 kg
Average height for an 11 y.o. male: 56.4 inches= 143cm
Average height for a 7 y.o. male: 47.7 inches= 121cm
Average weight for an 11 y.o. male: 78.5lbs= 35.6kg
Average weight for a 7 y.o. male: 50.5lbs= 22.9kg
So, what I'm trying to say is Harry is MASSIVELY underweight and well below the normal height for someone his age.
3. Of Haemoglobin by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 2] (1526 words)
Lots of talk of blood in this chapter, and a bit of vomit. Just warning you. Also, medical information will be placed in the end chapter notes from now on. I live and breathe this stuff (ICU nurse) and get a bit technical on some things.... Sorry.
If you have further questions not answered by the end notes, I am more than happy to answer them in replies! :)
4. Awake by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 3] (2832 words)
5. Magic by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 2] (2623 words)
6. The Boy in the Blankets by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 3] (4536 words)
Possible TW: creepy touchy-feely dude. Made me feel rather dirty writing him. He's only in the dream sequence at the beginning of the chapter.
Also, vomit warning.
7. Sugar and Magic by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 4] (645 words)
Just a short chapter for now. Sorry, I'm not very good at writing Hagrid-speak.
8. Blood Pops and Potions by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 3] (2384 words)
To clear up some possible upcoming confusion: Harry is Julian. Whoever is the primary focus of the paragraph and how they see Harry/Julian will determine which name is used. Don't worry, this only happens for a few chapters until everyone is used to the idea of "Julian" being the correct name to call this child. Harry, naturally, will take longer for this transition to occur.
Thank you to everyone who is reading these insane updates. Thank you even more to those of you who have reviewed! I love you all!
9. Routine by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 2] (1016 words)
10. Malfoy by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 2] (4088 words)
This chapter brought me great joy to write.
11. Gift of Warmth by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 3] (3454 words)
12. An Outing by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 3] (1979 words)
13. Teeth by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 1] (2262 words)
14. In Search of by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 2] (731 words)
15. Missing by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 2] (1115 words)
Vomit warning
16. Welfare Check by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 3] (2911 words)
17. Muggle Officers by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 1] (1099 words)
18. Potions Making by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 1] (3674 words)
19. The Two Letters by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 4] (3795 words)
20. Parchment and Paper by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 3] (5094 words)
21. Robes and Wands by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 4] (6711 words)
Some dialog ripped directly from Harry Potter and the Philosopher/Sorcerer's Stone. Be advised, I am still not JK Rowling.
22. Protein by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 4] (6384 words)
I feel a disclaimer is necessary here. I am not a physician, I am a nurse. I know my shit pretty well, but I do not work pediatrics. Nor am I able to prescribe medication. In short, take the medication dosages with a bit of a grain of salt here. Please don't kill me. Information at the end of the chapter is accurate and found on education materials provided by the product manufacturers.
23. Audax by DesertPlanet [Reviews - 13] (2195 words)
The End.
DesertPlanet is the author of 12 other stories. This story is part of the series,
Aspects of Wellness. The next story in the series is
Hiding the Ills.
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