Severus Snape was not a weak man. No, even with all he has lived through, he stayed strong, unfazed, and untouchable. Until one of the two people he was sworn to protect got dragged in. Literally. Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy was roughly dragged into the dungeons under Riddle Manor and thrown into the same cell as the “traitor” Snape. Snape’s true loyalties were, unfortunately, found out two days ago, after the previous Death Eater meeting where Lord Voldemort forced all his Death Eaters to drink Veritaserum and sit through an interrogation. After a few rounds of the Cruciatus curse, Severus was not quite fast enough to complete the sleight of hand required to switch the bottle of Veritaserum with another bottle of his own weak truth serum which would enable him to lie to the Dark Lord. He was caught and tortured by Voldemort and his Death Eaters before being thrown into a dungeon cell. In the near-silent dungeon you could hear shuffling, for Draco was waking.
“Uncle Sev? Where are we? Where’s my wand?” asked Draco hurriedly.
“We are in the dungeons at Riddle Manor Draco. I heard that slimy rat Pettigrew whining to Mulciber about it. And for heaven's sake, keep your voice down!” Severus explained exasperatedly.
“Sorry, Uncle Sev. Anyway, the Dark Lord said that I am taking far too long with my task so to ‘teach me a lesson’ I’ll stay here for a while. But Uncle Sev, you’re the traitor… oops sorry Uncle Sev…” Apologized Draco for Severus flinched in shame at being caught.
“Yes Draco, I was the spy.”
“So what do we do Uncle Sev?
“We escape.”