What was that? …I could have sworn something moved over there… thought Harry. But he was right, something was moving, but Harry couldn’t see it even with his enhanced vision. He took flight and landed on a tree that was closer to the disturbance and saw two bodies that were bloodied, bruised and, thankfully, unconscious.
Harry carefully landed next to them and transformed back into his human from, a tall, slightly muscular, 16 year old boy. He didn’t always look like that though, he once could be described as a thin, pale, short boy with knobbly knees, large green almond shaped eyes and short hair that could not be tamed. But as a result of his animagus (for that's what he was, a wizard who can turn into an animal at will) he became healthier, and looked as he should have, if the Dursleys had taken better care of him when he was younger.
Harry crept closer to take a look when he exclaimed, “Bloody hell, it's Malfoy and Snape!”
Harry quickly summoned some potions (from the first aid kit Hermione made him always carry when she found out about his nightly excursions) and began to try to heal them. After he fed Snape and Malfoy the potions (Antidote to common and uncommon poisons, blood-replenishing potions, bruise-removal and burn healing pastes… etc) Harry took out his wand to wake both Draco and Severus.
Harry got up and stood back to watch Snape awake.
“Potter?” asked Snape groggily. “It worked? We’re in the Forbidden Forest!” exclaimed Snape.
Harry turned and pointed his wand at Malfoy.
“We’re in the Forbidden Forest and you’re out of bounds Potter. 20 points from Gryffindor” drawled Snape.
“Yes, well if I weren’t here you would have died of blood loss Snape!” retorted Harry. “And Malfoy is about to wake up, but it's nice to know that something is the same”
“What nonsense are you spouting now Potter?”
“Well, it’s just that this is the same. The sun rises, the Krup barks, and Professor Snape still hates me. It’s a pleasant constant in my insane life.”
“Seize your idiotic muttering Potter. You sound like even more of an dunderhead than usual.”
All of a sudden, Severus and Harry hear a snort, which turns into uncontrollable laughter from Draco.
“Draco!” says Harry sweetly “Honey, you’re awake! Would you like breakfast? It consists of another blood-replenishing and Wiggenweld potion!”
Draco’s laughter becomes even stronger and Harry thinks he even heard Snape snort (but Snape will never tell). While Draco’s laughter dies down, Harry grabs more potions (blood-replenishing and Wiggenweld potions) and gives them to Draco and Severus.
“Potter, I never thought you’d be a stay at home wife (Harry snorts), but we learn something new everyday…” drawled Malfoy.
“Well, I’m glad you’re both alright but, we need to get back to Hogwarts quickly. I don’t want to risk coming across a manticore or the centaur herd while you both are injured… Can you walk? No? Alright, well I guess I’ll have to reveal myself earlier.” said Harry.
Snape was silent.
“Wait wha-” began Draco.
And Harry transformed into his Phoenix form.