Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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[Reviews - 111] starstarstarstarstar
Summary: A prophecy is only real when allowed to occur naturally, so when a series of unexpected events happen in the summer before 5th year, a second prophecy long lost deep in the Ministry of Magic awakens, telling of rare magic and an incredible bond to be forged between the most unlikely people. This magic and bond will be the end of the Dark Lord.

Story Notes:

This story is also posted on FFN (TheLostBoys333) and AO3 (TheLostBoys).

This will be fairly AU, but still follows OotP fairly closely in terms of some events. Anything you recognize belongs to JKR.

Trigger Warning: There are depictions and ongoing references to and descriptions of physical, mental, and emotional child abuse.

If you enjoy, please, leave a review.

Table of Contents

1. Chapter 1 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (3635 words) Printer

Warning: Violence, severe child abuse, serious injury

2. Chapter 2 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3865 words) Printer

The boys awaken. I want to make everyone aware that Dumbledore is going to seem a bit uncaring in this story towards both Harry and Draco. He is not evil, just manipulative with his own agenda. The war and "greater good" come first, but he's not evil. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Leave a review if you do.

3. Chapter 3 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] (3186 words) Printer

I'm sure you've all noticed, but wanted to make sure everyone is aware that this story will be switching between the perspectives of Snape, Harry, and Draco, as well as a couple others later on. In the beginning, you can tell whose perspective it is based on whose first name is being used. Later on, once they all like each other and are on a first name basis, it will be written in deliberate ways to make it clear whose perspective it is.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Leave a review!

4. Chapter 4 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] (2934 words) Printer

Starting to get into the stay with Snape. Naturally, it's a rough start. Be aware, it is going to be a fairly slow ride to get them all from here to friendly to family. Enjoy. If you do, leave a review.

5. Chapter 5 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (3626 words) Printer

Warning: referenced minor character deaths

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Remember, Dumbledore is not evil, just war-focused and manipulative. Leave a review if you enjoy.

6. Chapter 6 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (3723 words) Printer

A very informative chapter, this one. As the summer progresses, you will see things go up and down between Severus, Draco, and Harry a lot. Again, it is going to take quite some time for them all to settle into even tolerance, let alone actually liking each other. I'm doing my best to keep it realistic with how their relationships would change, so it is slow going.

Also, I have taken large liberties with the concepts of wandless magic and Legilimency.

Leave a review if you enjoy.

7. Chapter 7 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (4588 words) Printer

A pretty big chapter this week. Lots of information and more depth on Harry's and Draco's special magic. There will be far more information and scenes involving their magic now from here on out. Their magic is super important (in case the story summary didn't make that clear).

If you enjoy, leave a review.

8. Chapter 8 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (5451 words) Printer

As I've said, the relationship between the three goes up and down a lot. It's not a smooth journey to liking each other. Also, various topics are brought up and addressed and explored inconsistently, such as Harry's and Draco's abuse or Harry's guilt over Cedric. These things impact them on a daily basis, of course, but not with the same severity every day. Some days, you don't think about things, other days it's all you can think about. I don't want the story to be chapter after chapter of dealing with their abuse, guilt, etc. because that's not realistic. Instead, this story explores their growing powers and changing relationships through all kinds of different topics and events. Abuse is not their only bonding point.

Leave a review if you enjoy.

9. Chapter 9 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (5531 words) Printer

I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's one of my favourites so far. If you enjoy, leave a review.

10. Chapter 10 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star (6526 words) Printer

More up and down. It's hard for these three to figure their crap out with each other. I also want you to keep in mind that I will often have just casual, mundane interactions between them as a way to help develop their relationships. Not everything is about intense conversations, violent events, and angsty breakdowns. It's also the normal, everyday, average interactions that help build relationships and I often focus on those for realism.

Hope you enjoy. Leave a review if you do.

11. Chapter 11 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (4214 words) Printer

I hope you continue to enjoy this story as much as I am enjoying writing it. Also, it is going to be LONG, so I hope you are all prepared for the lengthy ride!

On to the chapter, another one of my favourites so far! If you enjoy, please leave a review.

12. Chapter 12 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3442 words) Printer

So, Dumbledore remains a manipulative bastard and will continue to be so throughout this story. Also, I have taken some liberties with the concept and practice of Occlumency, so it is not exactly the same as is explained and seen in canon. Nothing too different though.

Finally, things like them brewing together and Occlumency will come up every now and then, but do not remain a main focus of the things they do together. Occlumency is important, yes, but I hate when sessions are the only bonding point between Harry and Snape or take up like every other chapter of a story. As such, they come up on occasion here and are mentioned as still occurring in passing. Like I've said, trauma is not the only way for them to connect to each other.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, leave a review. Thanks!

13. Chapter 13 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4452 words) Printer

A few notes:

1. I am introducing my 2 OCs in this chapter. They are mine so do not use and if they resemble any other characters, it is a coincidence. Also, their backgrounds use some historical information so I mean absolutely no disrespect to these histories by changing them to fit my characters. I respect history as a deep history lover and simply love using history to enhance characters and stories.

2. To fit with one character, the timelines of Merlin/King Arthur have been altered. I have them existing in the 10th century, rather than the 5th/6th.

3. These characters will remain main characters for the remainder of the story, so I really hope you enjoy them. I have written one before and love him, but the other is brand new for me, but I also love him. I hope you love them as well.

4. Languages: my OCs sometimes speak in Russian and Greek. I have used Google Translate for these, so I hope I am correct in my translations. I will include translations in each chapter that has such languages.


[Russian in English text] Moy drug = My friend

14. Chapter 14 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4589 words) Printer

More tidbits about Alexei and Leif. Information about them comes through here and there, building their backgrounds slowly. Enjoy!


[Russian in English text] Rebenok = Child

[Greek in English text] Paidí = Child

[Greek in English text] O fílos mou = My friend

[Russian English text] Moy drug = My friend

15. Chapter 15 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (5525 words) Printer

Big magic chapter! Hope you enjoy getting deeper into Harry's and Draco's magic. We'll see more and more of it and how their magic works together--and with Severus'--now that Leif and Alexei are here. Enjoy! Leave a review if you do.

Note on their magic: Harry can see Aether, Elemental, and Severus' magic when he really focuses and his interacts with it; Draco can see all magic whenever he wants (once he learns) and when he interacts with it because that is the nature of his Aether Magic.

Translations (note: Leif knows several languages; he's old, remember):

[Russian in English text] Rebenok = Child

[Latin] Pueri = Child

[Greek in English text] Paidí = Child

16. Chapter 16 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (4749 words) Printer

So, after this, the relationship between Harry and Draco begins to settle. They still have issues, but not as many or as serious. Finally getting there! Enjoy.

Also, Sirius is a bit of an ass, particularly towards Slytherins, but this is not meant to bash him. He's not meant to be a bad person, just prejudiced against Slytherins like he is in canon, with a little extra towards Death Eaters. He'll have his good moments throughout the story. He does love Harry, but he's also not okay after his stay in Azkaban and being stuck in Number Twelve.

17. Chapter 17 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3973 words) Printer

Harry and Draco begin to settle towards each other, but they and Severus continue to struggle with each other. Building with Severus and Severus with them will take much longer, particularly due to outside influences (*cough*Dumbledore*cough*).

Also, keep in mind, we are only seeing so far what Dumbledore believes and is saying in regards to Voldemort, the prophecy, Harry, etc., which, as we have heard from Leif and Alexei, is not everything or even necessarily correct.

18. Chapter 18 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (2888 words) Printer

More bits and pieces about this mysterious second prophecy. Just like the relationships and character backgrounds, the full truth about the second prophecy is a slow build, coming out in little moments and conversations. And, of course, Dumbledore manipulations and progress(?) with our boys. Doesn't it seem like things are going so well?


Also, I had someone point out that my timelines for Leif's history with Merlin and King Arthur wouldn't line up. I think it goes without saying that I am changing the loose timelines of Merlin and King Arthur, and I'm having it that they existed in the 10th century instead of the 5th/6th. Just to clear up any confusion.


Enjoy :)


[Russian in English text] Rebenok = Child

19. Chapter 19 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (4112 words) Printer

Ah, well, things were going too well, weren't they? Enjoy this chapter. Leave a review if you do!


[Greek in English text] O fílos mou = My friend

20. Chapter 20 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (3244 words) Printer

The start of a long period of angst between our boys. It will not be an easy resolution with Severus and the prophecy revelation. If you enjoyed this chapter, leave a review.


[Greek in English text] Paidí = Child

[Russian in English text] Rebenok = Child

21. Chapter 21 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3293 words) Printer

Ugh, the angst is heavy with these three. Again, resolution is going to take a while. If you enjoy this chapter, leave a review!


[Greek in English text] Paidí = Child

[Russian in English text] Rebenok = Child

[Russian in English text] Moy drug = My friend

22. Chapter 22 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4120 words) Printer

Note: I am having the angst last for so long because:


1. Technically, timeline-wise, it is only a month and a half

2. Other things happen once they head back to school

3. I'm trying to keep things realistic.


Keep in mind who is involved here. Harry, Draco, and Severus are very hurt people who are bad at feelings and it is remarkable that they started to like each other at all. Now that something's happened and there are outside influences, it's just convinced them that it was never real or meant to happen and they will struggle with everything from the last seven weeks.


Leave me a review if you enjoy this chapter.

23. Chapter 23 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4547 words) Printer

First, minor character death.

Second, enjoy another angsty chapter with some very key developments in plot and, despite the angst, probably the sweetest interaction between our three boys they've had yet. Leave a review if you enjoy!

Reminder on Leif: he's old and knows a lot of languages! Ones we've seen: English, Latin, Greek, Russian. Others he knows in my head: German, Spanish, Italian, French

24. Chapter 24 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] (3238 words) Printer

Off to Hogwarts we go. So, I typically do not and will not write the same scene from multiple perspectives, but it will be happening here. This chapter and the next two will cover (mostly) the same time period from Draco's, Harry's, and Severus' perspectives as they each experience very different, but also overlapping events and emotions that I wanted to explore.

Hestia and Flora Carrow were students in Harry's year.

Also, there is not meant to be any character bashing, just typical canon behaviour with perhaps some exaggeration. Ie. Ron being prejudiced against Slytherins and Malfoy, and not particularly caring what happens to them.


I hope you enjoy. Leave a review if you do.

25. Chapter 25 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4798 words) Printer

Reminder: no character bashing, just canon behaviour with slight exaggeration. These characters do get better eventually.

[Greek in English text] Paidí = Child

26. Chapter 26 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] (4911 words) Printer

My class scheduling for students is likely not at all like UK boarding school scheduling. I've honestly based it a little more on Canadian high school and my Canadian university scheduling and structure.


Forget absolutely anything you know about Blaise Zabini from canon. This Blaise Zabini is not remotely the same in any capacity, personality or background-wise.


I made up the first names for MacNair and Avery. Adelaide Murton and Daphne Greengrass are canon characters. I made up Simon Carlisle.


Hope you enjoy. Review if you do.


[Russian in English text] Moy drug = My friend

27. Chapter 27 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4744 words) Printer

Harry and Draco make some very clear decisions regarding each other, show some very clear willingness to push past all their issues with Severus, and we see a return to the mysterious second prophecy and their magic.

Now, things are not completely better with the boys and Severus, and that will still take a few more chapters.

P.S. Drake Siguard is my character and was actually created with the help of my husband!

28. Chapter 28 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (5453 words) Printer

I made up Silas Perrot though Perrot is an actual name from canon. Also, I made up every single thing about Blaise Zabini, his family, and the Sacred Twenty-Eight stuff, though it was made with the help of my husband! If you enjoy, leave a review!

29. Chapter 29 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (5578 words) Printer

A slight return to the issues sitting between Harry and Severus. Harry wants what he had in the summer, but he is still struggling with the whole prophecy thing. They're working through it though! If you enjoy, please leave a review! I appreciate it.


[Greek in English text] Paidí = Child

30. Chapter 30 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4105 words) Printer

I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, please leave a review!


[Greek in English text] Paidí = Child

31. Chapter 31 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3112 words) Printer

How do we feel about some angsty confrontation between Severus, Leif, and Alexei with little tidbits about their past together and Leif's and Alexei's individual pasts? Hope you enjoy. If you do, please leave a review!


[Greek in English text] Efcharistó = Thank you

[Russian in English text] Spasibo, moy drug = Thank you, my friend

[Greek in English text] O fílos mou = My friend

32. Chapter 32 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4544 words) Printer

So, we are actually coming to the end of the rough period between Harry and Severus. In the next couple chapters, confrontations happen, realizations are made, and things are admitted in terms of true feelings. They (and Draco) will finally begin to build their relationship again from the summer.

Just a reminder, I am not trying to bash Ron, Hermione, or Sirius by having them be so difficult and confrontational with Harry right now. It's fairly realistic in terms of how they would likely be in canon had Harry suddenly been friendly with Slytherins, especially Severus and Draco. They all do get better eventually.

The DA as it exists in canon will not exist here, but a version will.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please leave a review if you do!

33. Chapter 33 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (5394 words) Printer

Harry has a really bad, emotional day...but, it brings about the end to the strife between our boys. There will still be emotional moments and conversations, but the angsty issues are now done. Also, Ron and Hermione will get better after this chapter. If you enjoy this chapter, please leave a review!


[Russian in English text] Rebenok = Child

34. Chapter 34 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (4907 words) Printer

Couple notes on characters. I've made up Isaac Claimorn and the first names for Vaisey and Urquhart. Also, I've chosen to make Cormac McLaggen Gryffindor's Keeper instead of Ron. Just personal preference for me.

Big chapter in many ways! We've got prophecy information, dangerous stakes, and an intense Quidditch match. I hope you enjoy. This is one of my favourites. If you enjoy, please leave a review.

35. Chapter 35 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4906 words) Printer

Some revelations and connections made! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please leave a review if you do.

36. Chapter 36 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (5636 words) Printer

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please leave a review if you do.


[Greek in English text] Paidí = Child

[Russian in English text] Rebenok = Child

37. Chapter 37 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (5405 words) Printer

I am slightly unsure about some quality in upcoming chapters and I apologize if things are not the greatest. I've been trying my hardest, but there are tons of big, intense events I want/need to get to and am kind of just moving things along a lot faster to get to them for better plot progression. This chapter is slightly slower, but they speed up a fair bit after this. I hope you still enjoy.

Please, enjoy, and please, leave a review if you do! I adore hearing from you!

38. Chapter 38 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (5337 words) Printer

Quite the development between our boys in this chapter! I hope it doesn't feel like things are moving too fast. I am doing a lot more skipping of days and weeks now, so it has actually been around a month or more since Harry's breakdown and the Quidditch match. I hope you enjoy. Leave a review if you do!

39. Chapter 39 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (4306 words) Printer

So, I wasn't going to update yet, but I'm getting into quite a roll for writing this story right now. Be ready. The next few chapters after this one are about to ramp right up with intense events. I hope you like this chapter. If you do, leave a review.

40. Chapter 40 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (5084 words) Printer

A quicker update for a few reasons:

1. This story is picking up in intensity for the next few chapters and I'm super excited about it, so I hope you will be too.

2. I am going away for a few days this week for Christmas, so I won't be writing or updating much around the holiday. I'm going to do my best to update my other stories before I leave as well, but no guarantees, so enjoy this update.

3. You guys are just so amazing that you constantly deserve quick, extra updates.

So, I hope you enjoy this chapter. It is long and intense. Note: Harry and Draco's scenes are happening at the same time as Severus' scene. Please, if you enjoy, leave a review. Happy holidays!

41. Chapter 41 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (4095 words) Printer

A little calm aftermath of the attacks, but it won't last long. The threats are strong against all our boys right now. I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, please, leave a review. Thank you! :)

42. Chapter 42 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (4651 words) Printer

Happy New Year! Here is a new chapter to...celebrate? That will be dependent on how you feel by the end of the chapter. If you...enjoy, please, leave a review. I so appreciate it. :)


[Latin] Frater = Brother

43. Chapter 43 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3749 words) Printer

I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, leave a review! Thank you so much!

44. Chapter 44 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] (4081 words) Printer

A little more calm before yet another storm. More is coming. Christmas can't be too peaceful. Lol. I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, please, leave a review. I appreciate it and love all of you! Thank you. :)

[Russian in English text] Moy drug = My friend

45. Chapter 45 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4106 words) Printer

I'm sorry? Lol. No breaks for our boys just yet! I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, please, leave a review. Thank you! :)

I made up the store "Crystallized".


[Latin] Frater = Brother
[Latin] Centrum Ominum = Center of All

46. Chapter 46 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (5106 words) Printer

Warnings of torture, blood, and injury.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's intense. If you do, please, leave a review. I love you all so much. Thank you, truly.

47. Chapter 47 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] (4292 words) Printer

Warnings for more torture and blood, but this is the end of it for a good long while. Time for some fluffy holiday recovery time. Also, if you weren't sure, Leif is going to be okay. He's healing. Alexei and Siguard used Severus' blood to complete the rune binding. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please, leave a review, if you do!

Also, a note. For those of you who also read Harry Potter and the War of Morgan le Fey, I am so sorry for how long it's been since I've updated. I hit a wall on how to continue despite having all kinds of plans and ideas, and, honestly, I got very caught up in this story given everything that just happened with it. However, I am in the middle of the next chapter for Morgan le Fey with a good flow of ideas and I hope to have it up soon. I appreciate your patience and hope to see you over there once the chapter is up. Thank you.

48. Chapter 48 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (4725 words) Printer

Enjoy some lovely, fluffy, heartfelt recovery. There's a little bit of emotional angst...they've been through a lot, after all. I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, please, leave a review. Thank you :)

[Latin] Frater = Brother
[Russian in English text] Rebenok = Child
[Greek in English text] Paidí = Child

49. Chapter 49 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (5102 words) Printer

Oh, boy...I am SO sorry for the huge delay on ALL my stories! It's been a weird, rough time.

So, work and school picked up at the beginning of February a bit, but then I had a week off from both and I figured that would be a great time to get all kinds of writing done. Of course, that's not what happened. Nope, my brain decided to act like none of these stories existed. THEN, my car broke down and we had to quickly get a brand new one that we can honestly hardly afford. THEN, I got sick! At the same time that all kinds of school work was due and I had all kinds of jobs to do for my actual job.

So, I'm sorry for the long wait. I am still getting my focus and ideas back, so I can't give any guaranteed timelines on the updates for my other stories, but I endeavour to update them all as soon as possible.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. We've got some more holiday recovery as well as some confrontations and little mystery mentions, mysteries that will be explained and explored throughout the next several chapters. Some will be solved immediately, others not for a little while. I'm not 100% on the final scene with Sirius, but I hope you like it anyway. It just wasn't coming out exactly the way I wanted, but couldn't fight with it anymore.

If you enjoy this chapter, please, leave a review. I really appreciate all of you, your reviews, and your patience. Thank you.

50. Chapter 50 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4027 words) Printer

Apologies for the long wait. Many reasons for that. However, here is a quick note related to waits. Some of you may have read this before as I have posted it on all of my in-progress stories at this point to ensure I reach all my readers. So...

I will NEVER abandon a story. "Bond", "Shadows", "Morgan le Fay", "Life", and "Who We Are"...none of these will ever be abandoned. Now, sometimes, updates may take longer than normal. I try to update every couple weeks, but I cannot guarantee that. Keep in mind, I have a job and I'm pursuing a Master's degree and I'm human. Things happen and life does take precedent. However, just remember, even if I haven't updated in 2 weeks, a month, 2 months, etc., the story is NOT abandoned. A new chapter WILL always come, but sometimes it will take a while. Just, keep all of this in mind when reading and waiting. Also keep in mind that I appreciate your patience in waiting for chapters. I really appreciate it. 

Now, onto the story! The lovely calm will end soon as our boys return to Hogwarts, but enjoy the rest of Christmas. Please, enjoy, and if you do, leave me a review! See you again soon (hopefully)!

51. Chapter 51 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4346 words) Printer

Alright, we are back at Hogwarts which means all the new problems can start. Because things have been really low-key, I've actually been struggling a lot to write, but I'm doing my best. Lots of little implications of future issues and conflicts in this chapter. I hope you enjoy. If you do, please, leave a review. Thank you so much :)

[Latin] Frater = Brother
[Latin] Paenitet, frater = Sorry, Brother
[English text] Moy drug = My friend

52. Chapter 52 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3282 words) Printer

New chapter that I'm also using as a celebration chapter. You see, I watch my story numbers all day everyday and I noticed this particular story absolutely racing towards 50, 000 hits on AO3. Seeing this seemed to be huge motivation and inspiration for the next chapter as I wanted to have a chapter to upload when I hit the 50, 000 milestone...and I did! So, thank you SO much for 50, 000 hits! I am so grateful and love you all so much!

So, enjoy this chapter. If you do, please, please, leave a review. I appreciate it all and thank you so much.

53. Chapter 53 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3098 words) Printer

Look at me go! Two chapters in two weeks! It's like we're back when the story began. Lol. Our mysteries continue though everything in this second half will move quicker than before Christmas. So, I hope you enjoy. If you do, please, leave a review. Thank you and see you again!

54. Chapter 54 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4285 words) Printer

Ok, I admit, this chapter may not be of the highest quality. I've been struggling with my writing a lot lately. However, I hope you still enjoy it. Our boys are struggling and doing so much to protect each other only it's doing way more harm than good. If you enjoy, please leave a review. Thank you so much! :)

55. Chapter 55 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4423 words) Printer

A chapter filled with nothing but fluffy angst. I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please leave a review. Thank you!

56. Chapter 56 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3864 words) Printer

1. Apologies for the very long wait on this story. Life has just been very busy between work and school and, well, sleep. Lol.

2. I also apologize for this chapter being another one of purely emotional fluff, but I realized it's been a bit since Harry and Draco have had some lovely bonding time with Leif and Alexei so I wanted to have kind of like a little interlude of that. Don't worry, things are going to be happening in the coming chapters. While we are still quite a while from the end, we are heading straight in that direction.

So, I hope you enjoy this chapter and, if you do, please, leave a review. Thank you so much.

[English text] Paidí = [Greek text] Παιδί = Child

57. Chapter 57 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (4432 words) Printer

Should I be doing schoolwork instead of this? Yes. However, that is not what happened. Instead, this chapter happened and I am so glad it did! So much here in both fluffy and tense, threatening developments. I really hope you enjoy this chapter and the way I chose to do certain things (you will know what I mean when you read). If you enjoy it, please, leave a review. Thank you so much :)

[English text] Moy drug = [Russian text] i2;l6;l1; k6;lm1;k5; = My friend

58. Chapter 58 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (3726 words) Printer

You know, I'm not sure how much is left in this story. There's still a fair bit, of course, but we're definitely getting closer. It's still a long homestretch, but I think I can confidently say we have started the homestretch for this story.


I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, please, leave a review. Thank you so much.


[English text] Syngnómi aderfé = [Greek text] Συγγνa4;μη αδερφέ = Sorry, brother


Also, an announcement on a new endeavour of mine related to my fanfiction work. I have created a YouTube channel where I have begun to record myself reading my own work, so, kind of like podfics, I guess. I wanted to give more accessibility and just the option of listening for those that want/need the option. I may upload these podfics on AO3 at some point as well, but, for now, they're just on YouTube. There's only 3 videos so far, just the first 3 chapters of "The Four Swords of Hogwarts", but there will be more. So, the channel is "TheLostBoys333" if you want to check it out :)

59. Chapter 59 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (4479 words) Printer

Happy Friday (almost Saturday...it's late)!

A small heads-up for this chapter. It is very narrative/exposition heavy, but, for those of you who really like the magic in this story, it's that star of this chapter, so you should enjoy it. I hope everyone still likes this chapter despite the heavy exposition.

Also, for readers of all my other stories, especially "Life As We Know It" and "Morgan le Fay"...I'm really sorry for how long it's been since they've been updated. Just a lot going on and a lot of writer's block. Doing my best to work through it!

If you do enjoy this chapter, please, leave a review. Have a good weekend!

60. Chapter 60 by TheLostBoys333 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (4576 words) Printer

So, I may have lied, but, don't worry, not just to you. I lied to myself too. When I said we were in the homestretch but still had a ways to go? Yeah, I apparently lied. I swear I thought I had a lot more to get through before we got to this point, but apparently not. I went through all my notes and plans and, turns out, anything else I may have added would just drag out the story unnecessarily and, as much as I don't want this story to end, I also don't want it to feel drawn out. So, here we are, officially heading into the final chapters.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, leave me a review. Thanks so much! :)



[English text] Paidí = [Greek text] Παιδί = Child

[Italian] Ciao, brother = Hello, brother

To be continued...
TheLostBoys333 is the author of 5 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 17 members. Members who liked A Bond for the Ages also liked 425 other stories.

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