Summary: One-shot story set after So Close and before Far From Perfect. Severus and Harry are caught by surprise by a delegation of Gryffindors and teachers coming to terms with their new dynamic. This story is part of the series,
Coming Home. The previous story in the series is
So Close. The next story in the series is
Far From Perfect.
Takes Place: 4th Year
| Chapters: 1
Snape flavour: Snape is Stern
| Completed: Yes
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
| Genres: Family
Tags: Adoption
| Word count: 6987
Main Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), Flitwick, Fred George, Hagrid, Hermione, McGonagall, Neville, Petunia, Remus, Ron, Vernon
| Read: 899
Rated: K+
Warnings: None
Series: Coming Home
Challenges: None
Published: 14 Nov 2023 -
Updated: 14 Nov 2023
Halfbloodprincess21 is the author of 1 other stories. This story is part of the series,
Coming Home. The previous story in the series is
So Close. The next story in the series is
Far From Perfect.
This story is a favorite of 5 members. Members who liked
So Far So Good also liked
107 other stories.