1. That I would suddenly discover that there really IS a magical world out there, and that all this time, that I was not really a Muggle?

2. That Lily really did forgive Snape long ago, and they had a child together and that child was Harry Snape!

3. That I could spend the day with Snape, a.k.a. Alan Rickman, in character.

4. That J.K. would build a real-life version of Hogwarts and my children could attend there when they were 11.

5. That Sirius were alive and well with Elvis, living in Vegas. That he only pretended to fall into the veil, at the hands of Belatrix Lestrange, and that because the Ministry had seen him, he pretended to be dead, to avoid capture.

6. That Dobby were still alive and had freed all the House Elves and they formed a House Elf Rebellion and were all living in a grand castle and all the House Elf Masters and Mistresses who had treated them cruelly, were now under the House Elves' control and had to serve THEM now.