Before Harry arrives at Hogwarts, the faculty have a meeting and decide that Harry will need a mentor to help him adjust, keep him out of trouble, and make protecting him easier. They decide that this person should the Head of the House into which Harry is sorted, presumably Minerva McGonagall. But things, of course, don't turn out as planned, and Harry is harder to deal with than anyone expected. Nobody asked him if he wanted a mentor, after all... NOTE: This story has a prologue. It is not necessary to the plot of the story, but if you wish to read it, it is called(predictably enough) 'Prologue to Life as Dictated by a Talking Hat'
Takes Place: 1st Year
Snape flavour: None
Tags: Alternate Universe, Slytherin!Harry, SuperPower! Harry
Categories: Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Angry with Snape, Harry goes down to talk to the professor only to witness Snape's downfall when someone else comes to speak to the former Death Eater.
Takes Place: 5th Year
Snape flavour: None
Tags: Alternate Universe, Child fic, Deaging
Categories: Reverse Roles > Parental Harry
Rated: 16+
Warnings: Neglect, Violence
Chapters: 8
Completed: No
Updated: 06 Jul 2010 / 08 Jan 2010
Series: None
Challenges: None
What might have been had Harry not gone to the Dursley's all those years ago, but instead been raised as a wizard.
Takes Place: None
Snape flavour: None
Tags: Alternate Universe, Child fic
Categories: Parental Snape
Rated: K+
Warnings: None
Chapters: 46
Completed: No
Updated: 01 May 2010 / 05 May 2006
Series: None
Challenges: None
The Battle of Hogwarts has finally finished, but at a great cost. Harry no longer has anything to live for, and has come to two conclusions: either he commits suicide, or he changes the past, in order to be reunited with his loved ones. Deciding to choose the latter, he sets about his quest to vanquish evil for once and for all – by returning to that fateful night where it all began. True to his luck, he arrives too late. Follow Harry’s quest to change the past for the better.
Takes Place: 8 - Post Hogwarts (young adult Harry)
Snape flavour: None
Tags: Adoption, Alternate Universe, Child fic, Time Travel
Categories: Snape Equal Status to Harry > Comrades Snape and Harry
Rated: T
Warnings: None
Chapters: 7
Completed: No
Updated: 12 Apr 2010 / 13 Feb 2010
Series: None
Challenges: None
AU of HBP. Harry found out that he was Snape’s son two years ago, and he’s carefully concealed it. But now Snape is his Defense teacher, and Draco Malfoy is up to something, and Dumbledore is dying, and the final battle is coming up, and everything is getting very, very complicated.
Takes Place: 7th summer
Snape flavour: None
Tags: Alternate Universe
Categories: Parental Snape > Biological Father Snape
Voldemort was truly gone because of Severus' intelligence and Harry's luck. Facing the crying child of 15months, Snape doesn't want to entrust him to anyone else. Taking a child into his care so soon after Lily's death and with little to provide for appeared to be a disaster in the making. Seven years later and Dumbledore can no longer stand it and goes to check on the pair. Nothing could prepare him for what he finds.
Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11)
Snape flavour: None
Tags: Adoption, Child fic
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
When Harry gets into a tight spot, he makes a suprising heartfelt wish. Little does he know, that one wish will throw him and his dreaded potions teacher into an unexpected and trying relationship.
Takes Place: 1st Year, 5th summer
Snape flavour: None
Tags: Alternate Universe
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape