Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Genres: Angst

One of the most terrifying aspects of reality after Voldemort's demise is the seemingly innocuous fact that at 26, Harry Potter does not own a pensieve.

Takes Place: 8 - Post Hogwarts (young adult Harry) - Snape flavour: None
Tags: None
Categories: Healer Snape, Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape, Master Snape > Apprentice Harry, Snape Equal Status to Harry > Comrades Snape and Harry
Rated: 16+ - Warnings: Character Death, Self-harm, Suicide Themes
Chapters: 6 - Completed: No - Updated: 28 Oct 2014 / 31 Jul 2012
Series: None - Challenges: None
Severus Snape survived... With the war over and Voldemort defeated, there is much to be repaired, the hardest being the emotional wounds of the survivors. The journey will not be easy, especially for Harry & Snape. Is it possible for the two of them to work together or will their history be too much to overcome? Can an intriguing outsider help bridge the gap between them?

Takes Place: 8 - Post Hogwarts (young adult Harry) - Snape flavour: None
Tags: Alternate Universe
Categories: Snape Equal Status to Harry > Comrades Snape and Harry
Rated: 16+ - Warnings: Alcohol Use
Chapters: 22 - Completed: No - Updated: 20 Oct 2014 / 29 Dec 2013
Series: None - Challenges: None
I own nothing. AU. Harry has Dissociative Identity Disorder. This may have gone well...until he was Sorted into Slytherin.

Takes Place: 1st Year - Snape flavour: None
Tags: Alternate Universe, Slytherin!Harry, Snape-meets-Dursleys
Categories: Healer Snape, Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: 16+ - Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Neglect, Profanity, Rape, Self-harm, Suicide Themes, Violence
Chapters: 41 - Completed: No - Updated: 03 Oct 2014 / 21 Jan 2013
Series: None - Challenges: None
After a tragedy, Harry's unwelcoming and abusive childhood at the Dursley's comes to light to the most unlikely person during an occlumency lesson.

Takes Place: 5th Year - Snape flavour: Snape Comforts, Overly-protective Snape
Tags: None
Categories: Teacher Snape > Professor Snape
Rated: T - Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Profanity
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 01 Oct 2014 / 30 Sep 2014
Series: None - Challenges: None
“Snape was definitely up to something. He was sure of it. But he could not figure out what. The signs were all there, but he had no evidence. He considered speaking to McGonagall about it, but it felt like his first year all over again. He knew that McGonagall trusted Snape, and without proof his suspicions would just be shot down.” A story written after the Final Battle in Harry’s final year at Hogwarts, canon except for Snape surviving (and possibly the Epilogue). Written for Mellow Moon’s Mysterious Potion challenge. Three-shot.

Takes Place: 8 - Post Hogwarts (young adult Harry) - Snape flavour: Snape Comforts, Snape is Secretive
Tags: Injured!Harry
Categories: Healer Snape, Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape, Snape Equal Status to Harry > Foes Snape and Harry
Rated: T - Warnings: Out of Character
Chapters: 3 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 28 Sep 2014 / 25 Sep 2014
Series: None - Challenges: The Mysterious Potion
Someone slips Harry a potion that has irreversible, life-changing effects. Now, he’s somehow ended up stuck with Snape for the summer -- going to summer camp!

Takes Place: 6th summer - Snape flavour: Snape is Stern
Tags: Alternate Universe, Physical Impairment
Categories: Teacher Snape > Professor Snape, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: T - Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Neglect
Chapters: 4 - Completed: No - Updated: 16 Sep 2014 / 19 Jul 2014
Series: None - Challenges: Multiple Challenges, The Mysterious Potion
Hagrid’s effort to console Snape after he hears Snape and Dumbledore’s argument in the Forbidden Forest has far-reaching implications. Will the Trio be able to figure out what happened before it’s too late?

Takes Place: 7th Year - Snape flavour: None
Tags: Alternate Universe
Categories: Master Snape > Headmaster Snape
Rated: T - Warnings: Character Death, Torture, Violence
Chapters: 7 - Completed: No - Updated: 15 Sep 2014 / 14 Jun 2013
Series: None - Challenges: None
A few scenes from before Harry was rescued by Snape. A companion piece for my story Rescued. Summary for Rescued: What if Harry was left in the backyard when he was 9 years old and largely ignored by the Dursleys? If Snape found him two years later, the summer before he is due to start Hogwarts, what would Harry’s rescue and recovery be like? Would he ever be a normal kid? Warnings: Abusive Dursleys

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: Snape Comforts, Snape is Kind, Snape is Loving, Overly-protective Snape
Tags: Injured!Harry
Categories: Healer Snape, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: T - Warnings: Abusive Dursleys
Chapters: 2 - Completed: No - Updated: 05 Sep 2014 / 05 Sep 2014
Series: Rescued - Challenges: None
Grief brings the strangest people together

Takes Place: 7th Year - Snape flavour: Snape Comforts
Tags: None
Categories: Teacher Snape > Professor Snape
Rated: K+ - Warnings: Character Death
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 22 Aug 2014 / 22 Aug 2014
Series: None - Challenges: None
After Mr. Weasley's attack and a few days at the Durselys' Snape is sent to get Harry and teach him Occlumency. Only, he's doing it his way. With his second most-hated professor accessing his mind, can Harry hide his past and the girl only seen by moonlight? *Harry is a transgender girl*
*Chapter 1 Revised*

Takes Place: 5th Year - Snape flavour: Snape is Cruel, Snape is Kind, Snape is Mean
Tags: Girl!Harry, Snape-meets-Dursleys
Categories: Healer Snape, Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape
Rated: 16+ - Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Neglect, Profanity, Rape, Suicide Themes, Violence
Chapters: 3 - Completed: No - Updated: 20 Aug 2014 / 01 Jul 2014
Series: None - Challenges: None

Disclaimer Charm: Harry Potter and all related works including movie stills belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Bros, and Bloomsbury. Used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made off of this site. All fanfiction and fanart are the property of the individual writers and artists represented on this site and do not represent the views and opinions of the Webmistress.

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