Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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Summary: Harry, tired and frustrated with the chores, abuse and neglect from the Dursley’s, and Dumbledore’s attempts to control his life and to make him into the perfect weapon by isolating him, decides to makes a deal with the Dursley’s: He will move out, pay them a hefty fee to not mention anything to anyone about him leaving and he’ll never darken their doorway again. They agree... The what, who, how and why's between events is up to you! (Possible during Summer before sixth year)
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Summary: After Snape does something particularly nasty to him, Harry decides to take revenge and sends Snape a howler! You get to decide which characters get to witness the howler going off, what Harry says in the howler, and how Snape reacts to Harry's vengeance. Extra points if Harry comes up with some creative new nicknames for the Potion's Master.
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Summary: Every time Harry was sick as a child he found himself suddenly appearing somewhere else, somewhere magic where a man could heal and take care of him until he was better. Then he would appear back in his cupboard, like magic.
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Summary: Harry has always wanted a family. Ron has a large one, and seems willing to share. But what if Ron discovered that he was adopted and his father was, gasp, Severus Snape! Must be largely Harry-centric despite Ron's central role, perhaps ending with Harry adopted himself.
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Summary: Harry Potter decides that he will go to Hogwarts for his 7th and final year at Hogwarts. He is shocked to discover that Severus Snape is Headmaster. Will he stay?
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Summary: Harry wakes up at Voldemort's feet with no memory and a Dark Mark on his arm. What happened to him? What does Voldemort expect of him? And what is Snape's involvement?
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Summary: Snape comes across Harry in the Hogwart's kitchens. Harry is making something. There must be House Elves involved in this story (either a big or small involvement). The story can be set either during Harry's Hogwarts years or before that. If you put the story in pre-Hogwarts time do explain why Harry ended up cooking something in the kitchens. And what will happen between the two of them during and after this exchange?
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Summary: Dumbledore never makes it to Harry's trial (summer of 5th year) and Harry is sentenced to Azkaban to be kissed. Snape rescues him and Harry is hidden in plain sight, as Snape's daughter; he ends up in Slytherin. Only Snape knows who he really is, the rest of the world thinks he's dead from the Dementor's kiss. No romance whatsoever.
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Summary: Harry saves Snape from serious injury caused by a Slytherin in a potions class. How does Snape react?
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Summary: Harry's owl is poisoned, and the first person he runs into while looking for help is Snape.
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