Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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After little Harry Potter runs away from his relatives’ home for the sixth time, Albus decides something drastic must happen. Instead of sending a friendly witch from family services like he had done before, he sends Severus Snape in hopes of scaring the boy into staying put. But when a blizzard interferes with plans, Severus learns why Harry keeps running away and a change of plans ensues.

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: Snape Comforts, Out of Character Snape, Snape is Stern
Tags: Alternate Universe
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K+ - Warnings: Abusive Dursleys
Chapters: 41 - Completed: No - Updated: 19 Feb 2025 / 22 Oct 2017
Series: None - Challenges: Runaway
During a Christmas sleepover, Harry and his friends watch a scary Dracula movie without Severus’s permission. After a string of circumstantial evidence, Harry and the others become convinced that Severus is a vampire.

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: Out of Character Snape, Snape is Kind
Tags: None
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K - Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 01 Jan 2024 / 01 Jan 2024
Series: None - Challenges: None
When Harry sleepwalks into a dangerous fall at Hogwarts, it's Snape who witnesses the catastrophe. Racing against time, Snape must navigate a castle shrouded in sleep to save Harry's life.

Takes Place: 1st Year - Snape flavour: Snape Comforts
Tags: Injured!Harry, Physical Impairment
Categories: Teacher Snape > Professor Snape
Rated: K - Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 10 Jun 2023 / 10 Jun 2023
Series: None - Challenges: None
“He seems to be under the assumption that since the Dursley’s are no longer his legal guardians, he has nowhere to stay this summer.”

Severus scoffed. “And I suppose an orphanage would be a better option as opposed to myself.”

Albus shrugged casually. “Is he aware that you’re even an option?”

“Well of course he…” Severus trailed off, frowning. “Why wouldn’t he?”

“You’re not his legal guardian,” Albus offered bluntly. “While you have done a lot for him, you are certainly in no way responsible for his welfare.”

Severus glared. “Legally speaking, no, but otherwise of course I am responsible for him! I am the one who took him from that wretched home, the one who has been there through nightmares and medical visits and-“

“My, my, Severus. Could it be that you are jealous?”


in which Severus has to address the reality of his relationship with Harry with more than just words.

Takes Place: 1st Year - Snape flavour: Snape Comforts, Snape is Kind, Snape is Loving
Tags: Hufflepuff!Harry
Categories: Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K - Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 29 Mar 2022 / 29 Mar 2022
Series: that's the thing about illicit affairs - Challenges: None
After Hogwarts closes due to the petrifications on students and an illness sweeping through Hogwarts, the students are sent home in groups and Professor Snape is entrusted by Albus to take Harry home personally. On Christmas Eve, Snape is surprised to see Potter singing Christmas Carols underneath his window in Spinner's End and brings the child inside with the intention of questioning the child and then taking him home, not realizing he was left in Cokeworth by his horrid relatives. With a letter from the head of the Prince family demanding he come to the Christmas celebrations with his child, Severus decides to pass Harry off as his son in favor of not turning the child over to social services or the Ministry due to his lack of a home. Harry, with no place to go and not wanting to return to the Dursleys agrees to the crazy plan. Can this Christmas be a new beginning for both a man regretting his life choices and child who desires to belong to someone? And how will Harry fare among a pureblood family and in a new school out of his comfort zone? Can the Christmas season make miracles themselves happen?

Takes Place: 2nd Year - Snape flavour: Canon Snape, Snape Comforts, Snape is Loving
Tags: Adoption, Child fic, Creature!fic
Categories: Parental Snape > Biological Father Snape, Fic Fests > Winter fest 2021
Rated: K+ - Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: No - Updated: 31 Jan 2022 / 31 Jan 2022
Series: None - Challenges: Another School, Just Pretending (For Christmas), Christmas Carols
Severus Snape knew a great many things about his adopted son.

Entry into the 2021 Winter Fic Fest, for the prompt 'Snape makes Harry tea'

AU, childfic, fluff

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: Snape Comforts
Tags: None
Categories: Fic Fests > Winter fest 2021, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K - Warnings: None
Chapters: 4 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 03 Dec 2021 / 03 Dec 2021
Series: Milky Tea - Challenges: None
Harry just wants his mum and dad. Snape just wants to keep him alive.

Takes Place: 1st Year - Snape flavour: Canon Snape, Snape is Kind
Tags: Addicted!Harry
Categories: Fic Fests > Winter fest 2021, Teacher Snape > Professor Snape
Rated: T - Warnings: Suicide Themes
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 27 Nov 2021 / 27 Nov 2021
Series: None - Challenges: None
Snape's Love Poem to Lily, his Silver Doe, who gives him hope and the strength to carry on, protecting her son. Because Love is a Force the Dark Lord knows not. Told in Snape's voice.

Takes Place: None - Snape flavour: Canon Snape
Tags: None
Categories: Misc > All written in Snape's POV
Rated: K - Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 20 Nov 2021 / 20 Nov 2021
Series: None - Challenges: None
Severus Snape has no interest in the personal lives of students. And he certainly wouldn't do anything that would bring two unlikely students closer together. That would be insane.

Takes Place: 5th Year - Snape flavour: Snape is Secretive
Tags: None
Categories: Misc > All written in Snape's POV
Rated: K+ - Warnings: Out of Character, Romance/Slash
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 29 Jul 2021 / 29 Jul 2021
Series: None - Challenges: Random Requests
Harry only spends every other weekend with his dad, James, the rest of the time with his other daddy, Severus Snape.

Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: Snape Comforts, Snape is Loving, Snape is Mean
Tags: Adoption, Alternate Universe, Child fic
Categories: Parental Snape > Stepfather Snape
Rated: K - Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 21 Jul 2021 / 21 Jul 2021
Series: None - Challenges: None

Disclaimer Charm: Harry Potter and all related works including movie stills belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Bros, and Bloomsbury. Used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made off of this site. All fanfiction and fanart are the property of the individual writers and artists represented on this site and do not represent the views and opinions of the Webmistress.

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