Titles - N
Rated: 16+
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys
Chapters: 6
Completed: Yes
Updated: 28 May 2018 / 28 May 2018
Series: None
Challenges: None
Severus Snape is a complicated man, but when it comes to protecting Harry Potter's life, there is nothing more simple than succeeding. When Severus finds himself caring for the boy after an attack, how will their relationship change? Snape-Harry mentor fic.
Takes Place: 6th summer, 6th Year, 7th summer
Snape flavour: Canon Snape, Snape Comforts, Snape is Kind, Snape is Loving, Out of Character Snape, Overly-protective Snape
Tags: Adoption, Animagus!Snape, Kidnapped, Pregnancy, Sibling Addition, Snape-meets-Dursleys
Categories: Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape
Rated: 16+
Warnings: Alcohol Use, Character Death, Neglect, Out of Character, Profanity, Rape, Romance/Het, Romance/Slash, Self-harm, Suicide Themes, Torture, Violence
Chapters: 62
Completed: Yes
Updated: 09 Feb 2016 / 23 Jun 2009
Series: None
Challenges: None
The term continues on after Sirius' death, and Harry Potter is not okay. Wandering about aimlessly, Harry attempts to be who everyone wants him to be while slowly coming undone. Life has never been easy for The Boy Who Lived in the Cupboard Under the Stairs, but this is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Will anybody notice that Harry Potter is breaking? Is there hope? Perhaps it will soon ring true that "not all who wander are lost."
Takes Place: 5th Year
Snape flavour: Snape Comforts
Tags: None
Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Harry had been consuming Dreamless Sleep Potions in unhealthy dose. Snape did something about it. Response to Dreamless Addiction challenge by Jan_AQ in Potions and Snitches and for Snape Day 2014 in Infantrum.
Takes Place: None
Snape flavour: None
Tags: None
Categories: Snape Equal Status to Harry > Comrades Snape and Harry
Rated: K+
Warnings: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Updated: 12 Jan 2014 / 08 Jan 2014
Series: None
Challenges: Dreamless Addiction
Snape realized he shouldn’t consume a candy, especially made from lemon. But he didn’t care. He was better, only felt slightly nauseous from the residue of the medicines he had previously taken. “Yes, please.” For Yes To Lemon Drops challenge by RhiannanT in Potions and Snitches and for Snape Day 2014 in Infantrum.
Takes Place: None
Snape flavour: None
Tags: None
Categories: Misc > All written in Snape's POV
Rated: K+
Warnings: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Updated: 08 Jan 2014 / 08 Jan 2014
Series: None
Challenges: Yes to Lemon Drops