Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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Harry is looking for some peace and quiet after a rough quidditch match. He knows just where to go. Assume established severitus. 6th year-ish.

Takes Place: 6th Year - Snape flavour: Snape Comforts, Snape is Loving
Tags: Injured!Harry
Categories: Fic Fests > CozyFest 2023, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K - Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 03 Sep 2023 / 03 Sep 2023
Series: None - Challenges: None
When Professor Snape and Harry Potter find themselves in the infirmary at the same time, the resulting conversation gives Harry much to think about.

Takes Place: 6th Year - Snape flavour: Snape is Angry, Snape Comforts
Tags: Hospitalization, Injured!Harry, Injured!Snape
Categories: Teacher Snape > Professor Snape, Fic Fests > Tri-Writing Tournament 2019 > Round One
Rated: K+ - Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 27 Sep 2019 / 27 Sep 2019
Series: None - Challenges: None
Scenes from Harry's first year (Philosopher's Stone) from Snape's PoV - a look at Quidditch and a conversation in the Forest...

Takes Place: None - Snape flavour: None
Tags: None
Categories: Misc > Strictly Canon Universe, Misc > All written in Snape's POV
Rated: K - Warnings: None
Chapters: 3 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 05 Nov 2005 / 28 Jan 2005
Series: None - Challenges: None

Disclaimer Charm: Harry Potter and all related works including movie stills belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Bros, and Bloomsbury. Used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made off of this site. All fanfiction and fanart are the property of the individual writers and artists represented on this site and do not represent the views and opinions of the Webmistress.

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