Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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Summary: Harry is under a lot of stress and pressure and he begins to crack. The prophecy is hanging over his head, and he knows he has to train to face Voldemort down sooner or later. Ron and Harry have recently been fighting. Harry is dating Ginny and he's finding their relationship to be growing a little demanding when he has so much else to do and worry about. Homework is piling up. Harry is losing sleep. His nerves are frayed and he's at the breaking point. The staff (or Snape) figures out that Harry is under too much strain and pressure, and for Harry's own good decide to temporarily switch Harry's house (to Slytherin much to Snape's displeasure). Once Harry's in Slytherin and the demands on him go back down, he finds that he quite likes being away from all of his responsibilities. What do his friends do? What does Snape think? What relationship do they develop?

I would like to see Harry and Ginny continue dating after the house switch. I would also like to see Harry not really making friends in Slytherin, just him being content to be ignored and having no demands on him for a while. The rest is really up to you. BONUS if it is at least a few decent sized chapters or a very long one shot. I dislike drabbles.

Other ideas: - Harry is put into Slytherin because the hat almost put him there before, so they know it would be a good fit. - Snape has to 'keep an eye' on Harry to see how his stress levels are and if he's still cracking under the pressure. This does not mean counseling sessions. I usually dislike the stories where Snape is an actual counselor instead of parent or mentor or listener.
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Summary: Everyone has secrets. Snape finds out one (or more) of Harry's (can be abuse - related, but doesn't have to be) and his opinion of Harry changes.
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Summary: Before Harry even learns about Hogwarts he comes into possession of a special stick, a wand, and he uses it to do magic.
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Summary: Harry gets sick or injured at The Dursleys and has to have surgery, The Dursleys refuse to care for him so Dumbledore calls in Snape to care for Harry, what will happen?
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Summary: Snape is disguised as Sirius Black. What scheme does he have regarding Harry?
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Summary: Harry knows he is Snape's son before Hogwarts. Snape doesn't.

Must Contain: Abusive Dursleys
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Summary: Someone leaves a baby on Harry's doorstep. Whose baby is it? What does Harry do? How is Snape involved?
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Summary: Snape is trying to get custody of Harry but Sirius, as James's best friend and Harry's godfather, won't stand for it. Snape could be Harry's biological father or not. Sirius could still be a fugitive. Bonus if Sirius just drops the suit when he finds out 'Snivellus' really is Harry's dad.
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Summary: Crossover challenge between Harry Potter and Supernatural.

Sam Winchester gets his Hogwarts letter. It can be at the age of 11, or at some other age if you prefer (adult Sam in a school full of wizarding children? XD Priceless.)

It must have:
Dean Winchester following his brother to Hogwarts. He can be supportive, distrustful, whatever you like. Bonus points if he gets a letter as well.

Harry and Snape must be in it (obviously). However, how they are, what's going on, etc. is up to you. (Perhaps Sam is Sorted into Gryffindor? Slytherin? Etc.)

John Winchester features in the story.
Castiel goes to Hogwarts, too. (Student? Professor? Something else?)
Sam and Harry make friends, accidentally pushing Dean away.

Can be set any year, but Harry must be in Hogwarts, he can't have graduated or be too young to attend.

How do the Winchesters deal with a magical world full of the "monsters" they're used to killing? What about Voldemort? All sorts of possibilities!
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Summary: Harry learns shocking secrets regarding his family. One is that his father is none other than his most hated potions and the other is that he has a twin. Harry's twin must be a canon character other than Draco. Severus' relationship with his children must be at least somewhat tense in the beginning. Story must take place no sooner than third year. Everything else is up to the author.
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