Harry hears something interesting on Halloween night...
Takes Place: 6th summer
Snape flavour: None
Tags: Snape-meets-Dursleys
Categories: Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape
Titles - T
Harry hears something interesting on Halloween night...
Takes Place: 6th summer - Snape flavour: None Tags: Snape-meets-Dursleys Categories: Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape
Rated: T
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys
Chapters: 1 - Completed: No - Updated: 11 Jun 2008 / 11 Jun 2008 Series: None - Challenges: None The summer after her fifth year, Rose Potter stays at Grimmauld Place and tries to come to terms with Sirius' death. Snape tries to help, with predictably complicated results.
Takes Place: 6th summer - Snape flavour: None Tags: None Categories: Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape, Teacher Snape > Professor Snape
Rated: 16+
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Profanity
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 18 May 2008 / 18 May 2008 Series: None - Challenges: Miniature Lily Severus learns why you never turn your back on a 3 year old child.
Takes Place: 0 - Pre Hogwarts (before Harry is 11) - Snape flavour: None Tags: Child fic Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape
Rated: K
Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 14 May 2008 / 14 May 2008 Series: None - Challenges: None He hated the boy, Harry Potter, for the same reason the boy’s father had hated himself. He existed.
Takes Place: None - Snape flavour: None Tags: None Categories: Misc > Strictly Canon Universe
Rated: K
Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 05 May 2008 / 05 May 2008 Series: None - Challenges: None Harry defeated Voldemort in the summer between year 2 and year 3. Although relieved that his arch enemy is dead, he is not coping well with the fact that he has become a murderer. The teachers, realizing this, have come up with a plan to get him to express how he is feeling, and enlist the help of one Severus Snape... But Severus Snape has an agenda of his own.
Takes Place: 3rd Year - Snape flavour: None Tags: None Categories: Teacher Snape > Trusted Mentor Snape, Parental Snape > Guardian Snape In DH, Harry went down the tunnel to the Shrieking Shack alone and things went a little bit differently.
Takes Place: 8 - Pre Epilogue (adult Harry) - Snape flavour: None Tags: None Categories: Misc
Rated: T
Warnings: Character Death
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 14 Apr 2008 / 14 Apr 2008 Series: None - Challenges: None At the end of third year Professor Snape makes a discovery about Harry. Harry's life will change and probably he will get the family he never had.
Takes Place: 6th summer - Snape flavour: None Tags: None Categories: Parental Snape > Guardian Snape, Teacher Snape > Professor Snape
Rated: T
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Character Death, Physical Punishment Spanking
Chapters: 1 - Completed: No - Updated: 23 Jan 2008 / 23 Jan 2008 Series: None - Challenges: None Response to the Drabble Challenge. One-shot 100-ish word drabble from Severus Snape's POV.
Takes Place: None - Snape flavour: None Tags: None Categories: Misc > Strictly Canon Universe
Rated: K
Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 19 Jan 2008 / 19 Jan 2008 Series: None - Challenges: None As life throws more at Harry than he can handle, he needs more and more to seek acceptance and love from those he considers family. As the lines blur and change, he needs it even more, even from those he used to hate.
Harry/Ron, Severus/Lily, Albus/Minerva. ON HIATUS Takes Place: 6th summer - Snape flavour: None Tags: Alternate Universe Categories: Parental Snape > Biological Father Snape > Severitus Challenge
Rated: 16+
Warnings: Abusive Dursleys, Romance/Slash, Self-harm, Suicide Themes, Violence
Chapters: 1 - Completed: No - Updated: 09 Dec 2007 / 09 Dec 2007 Series: None - Challenges: None Just a Christmas fic. Open it up. Oh ya, for the Fic Fest.
Takes Place: 6th summer - Snape flavour: None Tags: None Categories: Fic Fests > #5 Winter, Snape Equal Status to Harry > Comrades Snape and Harry
Rated: K
Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes - Updated: 23 Nov 2007 / 23 Nov 2007 Series: None - Challenges: Snowball Challenge, Christmas |
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