Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

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Series Summary: Severus and Remus are Draco and Astranova's (fem!Harry) parents, the heirs of the Ravenclaw-Prince family. Astranova is also the heiress of the Slytherin family. Together, the family, along with their friends, plots to stop Dumbledore's manipulations.
Parent Series: None
Challenges: None
Open for others to add stories to? Moderated
Series Summary: After the Dobby incident at the beginning of the second book, Harry runs away, and Snape kidnaps him. In an old-fashioned house with no comforts and a huge black dog, Harry finds himself at Snape's mercy as Snape plays mind games and makes Harry live through different scenarios. Though Snape seems crazy and psychotic, Harry begins to see reasons behind Snape's sporadic behavior. 

There is corporal punishment, but it is different from what I've written before. This is a Mean!Snape story for the most part. If you're looking for a cuddly story, go elsewhere please. 
Parent Series: None
Challenges: None
Open for others to add stories to? Closed
Series Summary: Harry was raised by his aunt and uncle believing that his name was Freak and he that he was evil. Severus Snape finds a five-year-old Harry very abused and takes him to Hogwarts. The teachers work hard to convince him that he is not a freak or evil. As the years go by, he believes them, but he still has his insecurities. Although he is a lot happier than he was, he wishes that he could grow taller. Follow him as he continues his battles.
Parent Series: None
Challenges: None
Open for others to add stories to? Closed
Series Summary:

"We hate him because he acknowledges our hero is a child. Just a child, with sellotaped glasses and knobbly knees and messy hair. A child who looks out with innocence and naivety and hope for this brave new world. Severus Snape knows this will get him killed."

There is no such thing as black or white, just a rainbow of grey.

Parent Series: None
Challenges: None
Open for others to add stories to? Closed
Series Summary: Harry lived with the Dursleys for six months then little over a year with his godfather when Sirius gets an invitation from Dumbledore to take over Professor Binns' classes.
Parent Series: None
Challenges: None
Open for others to add stories to? Closed
Series Summary: After defeating Voldemort, Harry felt as if he lost everything, his friends, his goal, and the teacher who protected him for years. He hoped to return to his first year and start over again. rnrnWith the memory of previous life, would Harry be able to defeat Voldemort again? Would he be able to redeem the lost in his heart? [Stories occurring in school years: more based on the books | Stories occurring in the summer: more unrelated]
Parent Series: None
Challenges: None
Open for others to add stories to? Closed
Series Summary: When he came to Hogwarts, Harry was sorted into Slytherin: he had no idea how much this would affect the connections he'd make, or the friendships he would foster. Follow Harry through his Hogwarts career, avoiding goblin plots, murderous fanclubs and even Lord Voldemort himself. No Horcruxes, no Riddle diary, no Lord Potter, no creature inheritance, etc. Canon divergent; first year's is similar to the canon, and after that, every year is quite different to the original.
Parent Series: None
Challenges: None
Open for others to add stories to? Closed
Series Summary: One-shot Series. The Only Thing He Needed, plus the prequel The Silent Watcher.
Parent Series: None
Challenges: None
Open for others to add stories to? Closed
Series Summary:

AU series.  At the end of Harry's third year, Dumbledore starts to reform the Order of the Pheonix.  He also decides to form a new branch of the Order...the Young Order.

Series starts at the end of Harry's first year as events unfold, changing Harry's world forever.

Parent Series: None
Challenges: None
Open for others to add stories to? Closed
Series Summary:

In the summer before Harry's fourth year, Dumbledore brings the young Gryffindor to Snape's manor and gives him guardianship of the young man. However, after a year of being under Snape's guardianship, Harry's grades drop. He fails four classes: Potions, Herbology, History of Magic, and Astronomy. So for his summer that he thought would be nothing but relaxing, he soon finds himself back in school for the summer. All is not as it seems, though, at Hogwarts summer school. Will Harry get that perfect family he's always dreamed about since he was little? And what's this about the Sword of Slytherin?

Parent Series: None
Challenges: None
Open for others to add stories to? Moderated

Disclaimer Charm: Harry Potter and all related works including movie stills belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, Warner Bros, and Bloomsbury. Used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made off of this site. All fanfiction and fanart are the property of the individual writers and artists represented on this site and do not represent the views and opinions of the Webmistress.

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