Summary: Harry Potter's relatives, frightened and feeling threatened by the Order of the Phoenix’s warning at King’s Cross, are more than abusive, they become downright cruel. Harry, believing death to be unavoidable, sends a plea to Dumbledore explaining the abuse and when the plea goes unanswered and Harry is left to his own devices, and decides the Wizarding world is not worth saving.
Snape somehow finds out about the plea, and confronts Dumbledore. Dumbledore is unwilling to move Harry from his relatives care for reasons only he knows, which Snape later discovers and they have very little to do with the boy’s own good (Money, greater good, weapon, you decide).
Snape, despite his hatred of Harry’s father, is worried about the boy and enlists the help of Lupin and Tonks to help care for him after explaining about Dumbledore and the plea. They arrive at Privet Drive nearly too late... (Possible during Summer after fifth year)
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