Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Dursleys are Potters are Durlseys by Cayj
Summary: Basically, Lily and James Potter did not die that night in Godrics Hollow. Instead, they assumed their muggle aliases: Petunia and Vernon Dursley. --- It's up to you whether Dudley still exists. It's up to you whether Lily ever had a real sister named Petunia (maybe she did and Petunia died or maybe she never had a sister in the first place) It's up to you if Sirius and Remus and Dumbledore ever knew about Lily and James' escape plan or if they didn't trust anyone and kept it a secret. There should be no cupboard or starvation or abuse of course. But the caveat is, these "Dursleys" still want to be normal. They can't imagine letting the wizarding world (and Voldemort) find out they and Harry are Still alive. But they've gone a lot of years without using magic-- what can they do to stop whats coming? So what happens when Dumbledore sends snarky Professor Snape to give Harry his Hogwarts letter at 11 and make sure he knows he's meant to attend? ** could be a fun one shot or a full story if you like. Just an idea that flew into my head. Snape and Harry must be in the story obviously but I don't care what kind of relationship you give them

Suggested Categories: None

Characters: .Snape and Harry (required), James, Lily
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