News Server Migrations Completed!
Well Folks, It's OFFICIAL! Potions and Snitches is now completely moved over to our new shiny private hosting server. If you have any problems please report them on Discord. MinistryFlunkie on 14 Feb 2025 3:15 am [1 Comments]
Officially moved to our new server!
The Prefect Team of Potions and Snitches is proud to announce that we have officially completed our migration to our new server. There's still one more step to complete in the next day or two but you will be seeing many improvements indeed! If you have any problems, please hop on Discord and let us know so we can look into it. Sincerely, MinistryFlunkie MinistryFlunkie on 12 Feb 2025 3:54 pm [0 Comments]
Donate to P&S
Members have asked about helping and supporting the site. P&S is a fan-created archive, with zero ads. It makes no revenue. It costs a little more than $650 for hosting renewal every three years. We are due to renew this year. Additional costs are for domain renewal, bug fixing costs, etc.. it all adds up. Jan_AQ on 31 Jan 2024 7:57 am [2 Comments]
Pitching for the Severitus Big Bang has officially begun!
Hello everyone! We hope you enjoyed the holidays so far, and we're here with the announcement that Pitching, phase 1 of Severitus Big Bang, HAS OFFICIALLY BEGUN! The Severitus Big Bang is an event where groups of creators (writers, poets, artists, audio artists, video artists, crafters, etc.) are brought together to create sets of connected Severitus fanworks! In Pitching, you will present (aka Pitch) your idea to potential team members. In order to do so, you will answer a series of questions on the pitching form. How this works is explained HERE:?https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ut4FXs3kWwQrmc2hcKcp07x-FrCFLiyqvomym-1WqgU/edit You can submit your pitches via the form up?until January 28th, your bedtime. Please read the rules and FAQ carefully before doing so. If you decide that you want to?change your pitch, please let us know until?Jan 28th, your bedtime. You have time until?Feb 3rd, 10:59 AM UTC (1h before claiming starts), to message us to?withdraw your pitch should you wish to do so. Pitches will be published as soon as possible, in THIS presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xX2jJkPTTT6GbNI6pP5RGK2emHF5DiSspsUVQ_NCwQM/edit?usp=sharing So you, potential claimers, have plenty of time to think about the pitches before claiming starts in roughly a month. Please shoot us a quick message if any of the links fail, or if you have any questions, and we?ll see what we can do! Here also a sharable tumblr link.?PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!! https://www.tumblr.com/severitus-big-bang/738301382495453184/pitching-is-now-open?source=share At the beginning of February, there will be another announcement about Claiming - which is expressing your interest in joining a team of the pitch of your choice. There will be another form and explanation for that later on. More information about the Bang can be found here:?https://www.tumblr.com/severitus-big-bang or on our discord server:?https://discord.gg/eVeDDvrBKW! You can also leave any questions that you have HERE in this thread. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your day! We can?t wait for your pitches!!! With love, Your Mods P.S.: No idea what it is with all the question marks, but I couldn't get them out, so I'll have to apologise for that. - Serena Severitus Big Bang Mods on 30 Dec 2023 6:26 am [2 Comments]
Update bug, blank chapters
Update Dec 20: Posting bugs seem to be taken care of. But if you have any issues, please join the discord and use the site-bugs-help channel. We are trying to fix some update bugs. In doing so, we seem to of inadvertently changed the code that saves the text of stories. This is why the more recent posts are blank. I have rolled back the site to the version that saves story text. Please edit and repost anything that was added in the last five days. If you need help, feel free to contact me directly at owlpost @ potionsandsnitches.com I am working with a coder to fix this issue and hope to resolve everything soon. I apologize for the problems and thank you for your patience. chocolate frogs, Jan_AQ on 27 Nov 2023 2:59 am [1 Comments]
Secured Site
This site's security certificate expires every 90 days because we're using a free one. When it expires it warns you about pirates and scams and whatever. Just disregard it, the site is safe. The certificate is more meant for stores and credit card info anyway. We don't really need it as we don't do any of that. Some members just saw the unsecured status in their browser and were scared to make accounts so I added a certificate. Every 90 days I have to update it. I send myself an e-mail and upload the new certificate, proving that I have admin access to the site. That's it. If it expires before I get to it don't be worried. The site is safe. It just posts a worrisome alert to try and get people to buy the paid version that automatically updates. It next expires February 20th 2024. Jan_AQ on 21 Nov 2023 2:15 am [2 Comments]
With credit to (and with permission from) our amazing JA Worley comes CozyFest- a fic fest to help us all ease into those longer nights and colder temperatures. Much of this is borrowed from Cozytober, which is a cross-fandom fest, but I've edited the prompts for P&S slightly to fit a little more with the Potterverse. 🍂**Welcome to CozyFest**🍂 This mini fic fest is all about autumn and cozy vibes. Think the smell of the earth after it rains, wearing fuzzy socks and warm hoodies, drinking a mug of your favorite hot drink, and cuddling up with loved ones. At the same time, October is spooky season, so think about haunted houses, ghosts, and things that freak people out. The fun part of this event is you can turn any of the prompts into cozy vibes, or turn any of them into creepy ones. Welcome to CozyWinter. 🍂**How To Participate** (See end of post for rules) 🍂 Answer one prompt, or answer them all. Answer them in any order you want. Also, mention which prompt or prompts you’re using in your starting authors note (Example: ‘I’m participating in cozytober this year, and I’m using the prompts: Ghosts, cool rainy days, and favorite warm sweatshirt). 🍂 **Prompts:**🍂 1. Favorite warm jumper | warm fuzzy socks | soft blanket Alternative prompts (can be used as subs for any of the ones above) **Alternate Prompts:** 1. Coming home to family to relax after a wild day Snuggle up and have fun! Priorities on 31 Aug 2023 10:30 pm [4 Comments]
Bingo Fest Winners!
Finally it is time to announce the Bingo Fest winners. The points are given as follows: Every prompt crossed out is 5 points. A Bingo of five in a row is worth an additional 20 points. Only count one Bingo per card. Filling a whole Bingo card is worth 50 points. The free space doesn't count for anything. Ten points are given for each story completed.
Points from the Bingo cards and completion are as follows: - JA Worley - 450 points - MagnificentandStrange - 200 points - Serena EW - 125 points - Moonterra - 65 points - OutriderIvyHill - 50 points - DesertPlanet - 45 points
Additional points are given based on nominations: 5 points per nomination. - Bloody Shards - OutriderIvyHill 7 nominations x 5 points per nomination = 35 - Christmas in Limbo - SerenaEW 2 nominations x 5 points per nomination = 10 - Ember and Ash - DesertPlanet 1 nomination x 5 points per nomination = 5 It is time (for it to be time) - SerenaEW 1 nomination x 5 points per nomination = 5 - The Adventures of a Potions Apprentice - JAWorley 8 nominations x 5 points per nomination = 40 - Ouroboros in Tribute - SerenaEW 5 nominations x 5 points per nomination = 35 - Understanding - MagnificentAndStrange 5 nominations x 5 points per nomination = 25 - Up in Smoke - moonterra 1 nomination x 5 points per nomination = 5
Additional points are given based on community voting: - First place in poll is The Adventures Of A Potions Apprentice by JAWorley for 50 points. - Second place is tied: Understanding by MagnificentAndStrange and Bloody Shards by OutriderIvyHill, 25 points each. - Third place is tied as well: Christmas in Limbo by SerenaEW and it is time (for it to be time) by SerenaEW with 10 points each.
So in total our authors earned: - JA Worley: 450 + 40 + 50 = 510 points total - MagnificentandStrange: 200 + 25 + 25 = 250 points total - Serena EW: 125 + 10 + 5 + 35 + 10 + 10 = 175 points total - Moonterra: 65 + 5 = 70 points total - OutriderIvyHill: 50 + 35 + 25 = 115 points total - DesertPlanet: 45 + 5 points = 50 points total
Our overall winner is JA Worley! Second place overall is MagnificentandStrange! Third place overall is Serena EW!
Congratulations to our winners and a big round of applause for everyone who participated. A special thanks to Priorities for helping tally the points.
Featured status is given to the top four stories with the most nominations: - The Adventures of a Potions Apprentice - JAWorley - Bloody Shards - OutriderIvyHill - Ouroboros in Tribute - SerenaEW - Understanding - MagnificentAndStrange Jan_AQ on 30 Aug 2023 2:50 am [2 Comments]
P&S site update (and bugs)
Potions and Snitches is now updated to eFiction 3.5. Bugs are being worked on. Please be patient. I plan to hire a developer to eliminate the bugs that are beyond my ability to fix. Members have asked about helping and supporting the site. P&S is a fan created archive, with zero ads. It makes no revenue. It costs a little more than $600 for hosting and domain renewal every three years. We are due to renew this year. If you would like to help with these costs it would be GREATLY appreciated! But no pressure. Potions and Snitches has existed for over a decade and will continue to exist. It fills a needed space in the fandom community. If possible I would like to set up a self-sustaining account to pay from so that it will last for as long as there are readers. Here are some links if you would like to donate: Venmo Go Daddy If you know how to register a non-profit organization in the USA, and are willing to advise, then please contact me. :) Thank you so much! chocolate, frogs, Jan Jan_AQ on 21 Aug 2023 3:14 am [0 Comments]
Bingo! Theme Fic Fest Voting
Thank you to all the participants for the Bingo! Theme Fic Fest.Please pick your top three stories from the list below to nominate for featured story status:
Jan_AQ on 09 Jun 2023 5:23 pm [11 Comments]
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