News Summer Fic Fest Nominations
Thank you everyone who participated in the Summer Fic Fest! We will now take nominations. Please comment with no more than three of your favorite stories that you feel deserve to be rewarded Featured Status. For reference, you can find the stories here. Jan_AQ on 02 Sep 2015 3:07 am [10 Comments]
They were all so good I have had a hard time choosing! But after much consideration I have chosen "Love Thy Neighbor"by Alexannah, "Surgery" by Henna Hypsch, and "Wishing on a Sticker" by darkorangecat.
- JCJ58 on 08 Sep 2015 10:44 am
Very hard to choose from a wonderful collection of stories. However three have stood out for me. Wishing on a sticker, Guard Duty, and Love thy Neighbour.
- Fmh on 09 Sep 2015 2:18 pm
"Love thy Neighbour" by Alexannah, "Surgery" by Henna Hypsch
- SHallow on 10 Sep 2015 1:26 am
I would like to nominate "Love Thy Neighbour" by Alexannah, "Surgery" by Henna Hypsch and "Wishing on a sticker" by darkorangecat. some of the other stories are good as well, but not all are finished, and obviously, I can't nominate my own story! - relative1983 on 11 Sep 2015 12:02 pm
Love Thy Neighbor
Surgery A Happy Ending - Djaddict on 16 Sep 2015 7:59 am
'Surgery' just edged it for me, but it's so hard to choose from the rest. 'Summer of Bonding' and 'Guard Duty' but they are all worthy of winning. - rosina on 19 Sep 2015 4:09 am
There were so many great stories to choose from! I decided to pick from the completed ones and I would like to nominate Surgery by Henna Hypsch, Love Thy Neighbour by Alexannah, What's Left Behind by JAWorley. All fantastic stories.
- Jan_AQ on 19 Sep 2015 11:59 pm
Gotta narrow it down... *sigh* "Love Thy Neighbor", "Summer of Bonding", "The Fawn in Cokeworth".
- shadowienne on 20 Sep 2015 6:37 am
That was hard. There were so many great stories for the Fest. My nominees are "Fawn in Cokeworth,"
"Love They Neighbor" and "Wishing on a Sticker." - bridgeportfox on 20 Sep 2015 4:14 pm
All right. So, Wishing on a Sticker won my heart. After much deliberation, I shall have to go with Love Thy Neighbor and Surgery - though I have much love for all of the tales in this fest. We just have so many talented writers on this site - makes it hard to choose!
- Dream Painter on 20 Sep 2015 8:03 pm
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