News Summer Fest Winners and Voting
The nominations for the 2015 Summer Fest stories have been tallied and the results are in. Congratulations to our top two nominated stories, Love Thy Neighbour by Alexannah and Surgery by Henna Hypsch! You both have been given featured status! Well done! If you have an account on Potions and Snitches.org, please vote in the poll for which 2015 Summer Fest story you would like to become featured! Here are the following nominated choices: A Happy Ending by darkorangecat Guard Duty by thegoldenfirebolt Summer of Bonding by Magica Draconia The Fawn in Cokeworth by MsHuntergrl What's Left Behind by JAWorley Wishing on a Sticker by darkorangecat Good luck to all and happy reading! Potions and Snitches on 28 Sep 2015 4:38 am [2 Comments]
Fantastic everyone! Well done at being nominated! thanks so much for participating in the Summer Fic Fest. It was so awesome to read so many new stories last month. And special thanks to anyone who answered one of my challenges!!
- Jan_AQ on 28 Sep 2015 5:26 am
I'll cast my vote for "Summer of Bonding" by Magica Draconia. Good luck to all!
- shadowienne on 28 Sep 2015 9:03 pm
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