Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Halloween Fest!

Happy October everyone! 


Just a reminder we will be accepting Halloween stories. I hope you've been busy ;)


Guidelines: They must involve one or more of the following scenarios

1. Once a year, the veil thins and those that did not choose to become ghosts are able to set foot among the living.

2. No one would ever really know just how much Harry and Snape despised Halloween. Except perhaps Petunia, but then she wasn't any fonder of it herself.

3. Every Halloween, Harry writes a letter to his parents

4. Every Halloween, Professor Dumbledore creates a magical Bonfire that allows people to speak with the departed. Everyone assumed Harry knew about it.

5. The gods of old walk on Halloween. Where they tread even the bravest of wizards fear to follow. The most foolish however...

6. Harry often wondered what it would be like to be a ghost. One Halloween a potion gives him a temporary chance.

7. Severus always goes to the pond to perform Samhien to remember those he lost

8. October 31st is the only day one can go to the veil to learn of future events

We are going to ask you to email them to either Pandora or I and we will post them near October 31st. 

starangel2106 on 01 Oct 2015 6:06 pm [0 Comments]

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