News Fic fest stories
I just wanted to make a reminder to send in your fic fest stories to Pan (dawndemersca@yahoo.ca) or me (starangel2106@yahoo.com) You can either send an attachment from a word doc or copy and past it.
Please include: Title, rating, genre, which prompt you used. Thank you, We look forward to the new stories! starangel2106 on 13 Oct 2015 4:18 pm [2 Comments]
When should we aim to have them in? Do we have until the 31st, or should we try to send them along sooner?
- Dream Painter on 13 Oct 2015 7:41 pm
Oh good question. Preferably before, but up to the 31st. If I get enough submissions I'd like to start posting them at least a week before.
- starangel2106 on 14 Oct 2015 5:08 pm
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