Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive



Next story in our Halloween Fic Fest is up: 

Allhallowtide by Dream Painter


Moonscapes by Shadowienne

Please remember to read and review!! 

Pandora on 31 Oct 2015 6:39 am [5 Comments]
Moonscapes is actually NOT part of the official Fest--I did not use any of the prompts. I'd had this idea on the back burner for about 3 years and finally got around to writing Moonscapes. I had already written over 3000 words before the Halloween Fest requirements were posted, so I just continued with my own story, rather than writing an official Fest story. I truly wish we could write whatever we want for a Fest, but I didn't follow the official prompts, so my story can't be included as a Fest story. Sorry!
- shadowienne on 31 Oct 2015 8:42 am
Tho' I would never object to reviews! 😉
- shadowienne on 31 Oct 2015 8:42 am
Shadow, I'm putting another fest up for chirstmas, it'll be similar but a little different...I don't see how you won't be able to participate in that one.  But I will try and do a fest that is a complete free for all. I tried to make it mostly open this time. I didn't think the prompts were that specific. I really think you can pull off the Xmas one though.  If not, we'll do a spring one that's a free for all I think. :D 
- starangel2106 on 31 Oct 2015 5:39 pm
I just didn't want anyone to think I was trying to cheat my way into the Halloween Fest...
- shadowienne on 31 Oct 2015 6:56 pm
We know. It's all good. We lvoe your stories anyway. :D
- starangel2106 on 31 Oct 2015 7:21 pm

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