Reviews For The Guardian
Good chapter, Harry seems to have accepted magic rather too easily, I know he is in shock but he should have some reaction
This was such a powerful sentence: "Without as much as speaking to the boy, Severus knew that his preconceived notions of a pampered prince raised by doting muggle grandparents were as false as the idea that Lily might one day forgive him." Woah.
I loved the hug. It seemed in character for Snape to hug Harry (who is a kid who just had his relatives die, basically the only parents he ever knew even if they neglected him). I was surprised that Snape and Dumbledore did not clear out the air or place a bubble head charm on Harry immediately though. It is a dangerous, poisonous air. Harry could of been suffering from its effects and collapsed and slipped into a coma. I am also suprised that Dumbledore cleared out the cupboards of the house as well. The Muggle authorities would come and investigate what happened. They will wonder what happened to all the food, why the front door is open, and where Harry disappeared to. It might of been insensitive and traumatizing for Harry, and 8 year old, to see the dead bodies of his relatives like that. What was Dumbledore's motivations for that? To get Harry to believe Dumbledore? To expose Harry to death so he can be a good little soldier later? To misguidedly prove to Harry that the Dursleys are dead? And that Harry needs to trust them? Does Harry know where Dudley is? Is Harry worried about Dudley? I am very interested in this situation though. I really like the idea. Your Snape is wonderful and I love the interaction between him and Harry. Author's Response: I'm rather new to posting on this website, although I've read fanfic here before, so forgive me for not responding sooner. I only just noticed that was an option! :) Yes, Snape and Dumbledore ought to have used magic to protect Harry from the air. I suppose it was a combination of a misstep on their end, and a thought that he's survived this long, and they plan to take him to the hospital wing anyway. There is precedent, in canon, for adults not caring for Harry's injuries immediately. After the Triwizard Tournament, for example, Harry's leg (or arm? I don't have the book with me) was injured to the point he could not move well, and it was Fawkes's tears that healed it. Sure, Harry needed to tell Dumbledore what happened immediately, but couldn't Madam Pomfrey have provided a salve or potion while he spoke? If I didn't state it, I thought I implied that they shut the door behind them when they left. As far as taking the food, that was a mixture of Dumbledore being Dumbledore, and the headmaster thinking that Severus Snape might not have "child friendly" food at his house. And whatever was in the Dursley residence would be good enough in the meantime. Besides, having been locked up for an unknown amount of time, Harry would have had to be hungry. Ah, yes, the "where is Dudley?" question. (I posted this on AO3 and FFN, and soooo many people have asked that!) Rest assured, he's alive. The fact that he survived was never meant to be in question, because as awful of a kid he is, I don't kill kids in my fanfics. You'll find out the full story in a future chapter, but suffice it to say that Dudley spent the night at a friend's house, and was saved both dying and seeing his parents' dead bodies when he returned. The latter of which hasn't happened yet. If I had written any part of this story from Dudley's point of view, at this point, he would be at Pier's house, oblivious to the fact that he's now an orphan. The dead bodies...if Harry loved his aunt and uncle, yeah, he would have been traumatized. But while he's not callous, they mistreated him for as long as he can remember. Knowing and seeing that they're now dead isn't going to cause long-term damage. Unlike going unloved by the people who were responsible for doing just that for seven years of his life. Thanks for your comments on Severus. He's not fond of Harry, yet, but he can see that Harry's certainly not spoiled, and was certainly unloved by his relatives. More will come out over time. I hope you'll continue to read and comment! :)
Definitely a kinder Severus but I think he became more bitter and twisted the nearer Harry was to coming to Hogwarts. Thank you an excellent chapter Author's Response: Dumbledore volunteering him as a temporary guardian without even asking Severus beforehand was not his best choice! Then again, Severus might have said no, and now he can't. Thanks for your feedback! |
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