Potions and Snitches
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Reviews For Never Again!
Title: Just Like My Dad 16 Oct 2008 9:26 pm
Reviewer: Mikee (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Whoa -- cool chapter. I was really quite worried that the blond man watching had been Lucius. I was more than relieved that it wasn't. Well done, indeed.

    I am really gad to be able to continue reading this story -- I'd been reading the 'Hide Yourself' stories when you e-mailed me letting me know this was here. Nice coincidence. -grin-

    Thank you.

    Author's Response:

    So am I, I felt so bad when I couldn't post more of it on the other site, but the account wasn't mine.  And there's a short story (Forbidden Flight) and a sequel novel Growing Pains, plus the prequel Where Shadows Go, which is not completed yet. 

    You weren't the first one to think Lucius was stalking them either, it really surprised me since I, of course, knew it was Tobias all along.  I love this universe, it's just plain funny to write in it and there's so much scope for different situations and attitudes and all.

Title: Just Like My Dad 29 Jul 2008 3:19 pm
Reviewer: writeurlife (Signed) [Report This]
    when you mentioned the blond at first i thought it was lucius. having it be tobias was much better.

    Author's Response: Thanks, you weren't the first to think that either.  I had people freaking out thinking Harry was going to be kidnapped by Lucius, when the truth was I never even thought of doing that to the poor kid. Lucius does make a reappearance in this story, but I won't tell you where, don't want to spoil it!
Title: Just Like My Dad 08 May 2008 3:01 pm
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    Awww so sweet!

    Author's Response: Yeah, wasn't it!
Title: Just Like My Dad 28 Apr 2008 3:37 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    this is a good fic, tobias has to be patient and wait for severus to come to him, and prove that he can be a good grandparent, also i thought it was lucius watching them at the circus, so you certainly surprised me, anyway keep writing

    Author's Response: You're right and Severus will come to Tobias when HE is ready and not before.  As for Lucius, he'll be appearing one last time in this story, and you weren't the only one who thought that.  So did almost everyone else!
Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 10:48 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Another great chapter!

    Your ideas for the circus were really something, they sound quite interesting and realistic for the wizarding world. You described things really well, I could picture what they were seeing and Dagger’s appearance as well.

    Matthew's past sounds both sad and interesting, I like how you gave him such a background, and he sounds like a really good friend for trying to help Sev from going through what he did.

    The meeting with Dagger was really fun; Harry was sweet and funny, and Dagger sounds like a great guy. I found their conversation enjoyable to read, it’s cute Sev has a fan ^^, and it’s sweet they gave the kids a little something from their heroes.

    I found it sad that Tobias watched from afar and felt so low. Hope to read the talk soon! I'll have to brace myself for the angst, though, I'm a sucker for emotional scenes, lol.

    P.S. I like your take on Zabini, he sounds like a nice kid, and your right, who says Harry can't have two guy buds? I'm also glad to hear you like the Weasleys and Hermione, they are some of my favorite characters. I don’t care for Draco either, and your right, since Lucius tried to kill Sev they wouldn’t get along anyway. I really hope you do make a sequel! Perhaps Harry can meet Hermione at his muggle primary school?

    Author's Response:

    Now there's an idea and I hope I can write a sequel soon, I'd love to put all the kids together and have them get into mischief and fun together!  Another reviewer suggested I could also put in Samantha, Dagger's daughter too. 

    I loved writing about Matthew, he's such a sweet and yet sad character and he really is a good friend.  Dagger was great fun to write and so was the circus, I tried to imagine different acts and animals and I'm glad they made sense, sometimes I'm never sure if the things i invent work. 

    The talk is posted and beware--it is emotional as hell! And the next chapter will be too! Thanks for your awesome review! :)  

Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 10:42 pm
Reviewer: burns603 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter! I love the circus and it's nice to see Sev & Harry getting out and doing fun things as a family. Loved the bit with Dagger and I felt bad for Tobias, even though he kind of deserved to be left out. Please update soon!

    Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed it and I like writing scenes like that one, it makes for a more believable story!  And I've already updated!
Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 10:39 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter here! Loved the whole circus, the ball toss, matthew's conversation with Sev, and the Dagger interview too! Oh and Tobias watching was sad !

    Author's Response: Yes, it was sad, but then I intended it to be.  I liked the conversation with Matthew because I get to add some more background to Dr. Morgan, he's an interesting fellow!  And Dagger wa sjust plain fun to write!  Keep reading and thanks for reviewing!  You're my 200th reviewer!
Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 9:25 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    For some reason, my favorite parts are always the little awkward moments, like when Harry is squirming around from drinking too much pop and is worried about being a guinea pig for the elimination spell. LOL. I just adore those little bits of realism, and they make Harry so much more endearing.

    As for the previous chapter, I appreciated how you touched on the fact that Harry was more distraught about disappointing his dad than the spanking itself. Of course, five swats aren't going to do much damage, but the fact that Harry is wailing over his knee shows that he definitely understood that he'd done something dangerous enough to upset his father so much.

    I enjoyed these last two installments. Thanks for another quick update!

    Author's Response:

    Funny, how those little things aren't even planned, they're improves I throw in while I'm writing the major scenes and they just pop up as I'm writing.  My brain works in mysterious ways sometimes.  And for the punishment, I always think the disappointment a child feels hurts more than the actual spanking, at least it did when I was a kid.  Plus, Severus would not be harsher than Tobias, given what he went through and to a six-year-old five swats is plenty, though Tobias gave him more. 

    I should be posting the next chapter in a few minutes!!

Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 9:12 pm
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    Cute chapter! It was neat having Sev take Harry to a carnival and having Tobias watching from afar too. Great chapter and I hope you'll update again soon!

    Author's Response: Thanks Alexis, and I just did, by the way!  This one was fun to write, but the next one, is full of drama! Enjoy!
Title: Just Like My Dad 27 Apr 2008 8:40 pm
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    For a minute there I thought it someone wanting to kill Severus or hurt Harry.

    Author's Response: You and a lot of others! *smirks* I'm glad it was Tobias, weren't you?

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