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Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Lies
Title: Breakdown 18 Feb 2005 4:38 am
Reviewer: Khadon (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well you've managed to drag me over to this site so that I could get the end of the chapter. Very sneaky of you. I think if I was Harry I'd just be at the point now where I would refuse to do anything the adults wanted me to do at all. Gordon seems to be the only useful one out of the lot of them and he's a Muggle! You'd think they'd no that forcing Harry to do something wouldn't be the smartest choice. I hope Gordon really lets them have it. :)

    Author's Response: Oh, I want to let Gordon let them have it, too. I have found myself in a bit of a quandary though, I must admit--Gordon can't "let the adults have it" in front of Harry, and he has promised not to discuss Harry with them without Harry present. Oh, what to do..? :-/
Title: Breakdown 18 Feb 2005 4:19 am
Reviewer: CurlsofSerenity (Anonymous) [Report This]
    whew, almost went catamose there. I didn't realize there were so many 'fanfic' sites!!

    Author's Response: Well, with the "quality" of FF.net, can you blame them? :-/ Plus, I like this one for reading Snape-Harry fiction because when I find a story that looks good, I know what I'm getting. :-) And I think a lot of the people who read Lies are people who enjoy Harry-Snape interaction, so...
Title: Breakdown 17 Feb 2005 10:13 pm
Reviewer: ladyraebef (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ya! lovely chapter the previous one made me so nervous! i was all O.o -ish.... anywho my one question was that when Harry let Gordon go talk about what happened with the adults was he trusting his judgement about the situation? was he just tired? or was he indifferent because he didn't beieve it would have any result?

    Author's Response: Good question. :-) To some extent, he was showing a bit of trust toward Gordon--that Gordon would pass on anything he learned to Harry. Mostly, though, he was just exhausted. He was also trying to avoid the same situation he had just gotten out of, where he was in the middle of the adults and all their emotions. He's still not able to deal with people's emotions very well, especially when they are strong.
Title: Breakdown 17 Feb 2005 7:24 pm
Reviewer: The Hufflepunk (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This was an amazingi chapter... very powerful, emotionally, and (as always) extremely well-written. I really liked the scene with Gordon and Remus- very believable. Just as a small question, did you already have a lot of knowledge of psychology, or did you go into research especially for Lies? Also, upon my second time reading through this chapter, it occurred to me that where Harry was responding so much to Remus, it might have also had to do with his empathy. As his breakdown was majorly contributed by people panicking around him, did he sense Remus' care and concern for him, and just reach out instinctively to try and shield himself from the emotions he felt from everyone else? Anyway, this was amazing.

    Author's Response: Thanks so much. :-) I have some knowledge of psychology, but I did special research for this chapter in particular, as I've never worked with a counselor the way Harry is. Of course, my special research involved lots of long talks with my aunt (who just got her PhD in psychology and has also been counselling as part of her degree for a while now). :-D As for Harry responding to Remus, it might just have had to do with his empathy--some of this I plan out, but some of it I just let happen, and I don't necessarily understand it all until later. For example, I hadn't originally planned to have Harry break down completely, but as you noted, he reacted to the adults' panic and the situation deteriorated until the breakdown was the only way for him to protect himself. So probably he did attach himself to Remus for that reason, though Gordon also sent everyone else downstairs to the kitchen to try to get them out of his "range" so to speak. ;-) I'm glad you're enjoying the story, and I'll try to get the next chapter out faster--really!
Title: Breakdown 17 Feb 2005 2:09 am
Reviewer: nessime_lisen (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Very nice chapter, Molly! I really like how you had Gordon handle things. You have so much going on in this story and I cannot wait until the truth about Snape comes out. It should be quite intersting. Keep up the good work darlin'. Cheers! Julie
Title: Breakdown 16 Feb 2005 7:57 pm
Reviewer: Alana18 alana2an@y...co.uk (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I quiet like the way you had the adults find out about his hand. Harry’s reaction and Gordon’s perceptive suspicions were very human. I really like Gordon now, but I'm also a bit worried. "I need to go downstairs and talk with Remus and Arthur and Molly about what may have gone wrong with the book--it's fairly apparent that it did not work as they expected." I'm sure he intends to talk to them about the book but I'd imagine the scars and the breakdown the book caused are more on his mind than the book itself. The way he phrased it for Harry implied he’d be discussing the book’s faults. While it’s necessary to avoid more distress, an open discussion downstairs teeters dangerously close to some of Dumbledore's ‘harmless’ half-truths and secrets for Harry's own good. He promised Harry he’d always be present if they were talking about him after all. And Harry certainly wouldn’t open up to him, if he thought Gordon was reporting back. Your inclusion of ““a pitiful Muggle such as myself can’t convince any of you of anything,” he said bitterly, not below manipulating them in an urgent situation.” left me with a sinking feeling. If Gordon does talk to the adults about Harry when he's not around, will he tell him everything that's been said later on? Would Harry lose faith in Gordon if he felt he’d been betrayed in any way? Or if Gordon doesn’t talk candidly to the adults, will they tolerate his semi-exclusion of them right after Harry's breakdown?

    Author's Response: Thank you--you bring up some great points. :-) Please note that Gordon invited Harry to come down and listen as he talked to the adults; however, he (or I ;-) ) had not anticipated the breakdown when he said that Harry would always be present, and Gordon needs to understand the magical undertones of all of this in order to help Harry--and he can't understand that without speaking with the adults. The main difference between Gordon and Dumbledore, in terms of 'manipulation' is that Gordon has all and ONLY Harry's best interests in mind, and he understands that Harry does not take well to having things hidden from him (for good reason!) Harry still only conditionally trusts Gordon, and any perceived betrayal from the psychologist could completely destroy even the meager amount of trust between them. Therefore, Gordon will do everything in his power to make certain that nothing is between them that could potentially be perceived as a betrayal. This includes not keeping anything from him. As for your last questions about what the adults will "tolerate" from Gordon, he is in a position of quite a bit of power with them at the moment. Harry just had a near complete emotional breakdown, and Gordon was the only one who could help him. They caused said emotional breakdown, entirely on their own. This means they want to keep Gordon around and happy, because he is the only one who could potentially help them prevent or remedy future breakdowns in the first place--that's why they brought him in. Don't forget, also, that the adults DO care about Harry. They don't want to hurt him, they just know nothing whatsoever about psychology. (I think this is a fair guess, based on what we see in canon--for example, Harry gets no support/counselling after witnessing a fellow student killed.) So, Gordon will not be giving any information away, but only collecting it. And since this information will be passed on to Harry, there should not be any betrayal involved, perceived or otherwise. I hope that helps answer some of your questions! Thanks for bringing them up--you definitely made me think, and that's a good thing for future chapters! :-D

    Admin edit: Jan - Please don't list your e-mail in a review. There's no protection on the site for it. Thanks. :)
Title: Breakdown 16 Feb 2005 10:26 am
Reviewer: ARi (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Woohoo... nice story Look forward to reading more soon
Title: Breakdown 16 Feb 2005 5:49 am
Reviewer: starangel2106 (Signed) [Report This]
    Just lovely. Really it is. All the angst...you can never get enough I suppose...*shurgs* okay so you can but you know how to balance it out. ;) Good chapter.
Title: Breakdown 16 Feb 2005 3:46 am
Reviewer: Amellia (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I LOOOOVVVVEEEEE this story It is great and very well written. You can almost feel the emotions in this chapter. That is one evil book especially after what lines did to his hand. I really can't wait to read more of this story and also am wondering about what Snape finding out and dealing with in Harry's place.

    Author's Response: You can see some of Snape's POV at the Dursleys in the separate cookie I have posted here, called "Snape's Punishment." Glad you're enjoying the story!
Title: Breakdown 16 Feb 2005 2:18 am
Reviewer: Americanpie (Signed) [Report This]
    I really don't understand what's going on.. Harry got punished and had to read lines from a book...but then what happened...he just freaked out?

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