Amazing map! I love that it’s animated. Thank you so much for all the effort you put into the details. I’m so glad that Harry made the choice that he did.
Title: On Holiday
| 10 Jul 2014 4:52 pm
Reviewer: Lara (Anonymous)
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OMG I LOVE YOUR MAP!!!! :D It's so awesome I was looking at it for at least 10 minutes :) loving the story too!
Aw, I'm so pleased that Harry decided to go to Snape's house for the holidays.
It's funny to see Snape worrying about bossing anyone around. Usually he takes pleasure in it, and he is Harry 's father now. Maybe Harry will realise though that that's what father's do, and Snape only cares about what's best for Harry.
Title: On Holiday
| 28 Nov 2009 3:34 pm
Reviewer: Monica (Anonymous)
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I like it but what about you other stories? Will I see next chapters too?
Author's Response: Eventually, but not for a while. It's hard for me to bounce back and forth between stories. Once I'm writing on one it messes me up to start thinking about another one. The only reason I started this one was because I had it all laid out in my mind and it was only supposed to be five chapters long, but it's turning out be longer now. Be paitent, sorry.