Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Longing to Belong
Title: Chapter 4 25 Jan 2010 9:06 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    A lovely chapter again! The emotions are so real and powerful and heart-breaking. You've done an awesome job of getting into Draco's head and showing how he is coming to care for Harry, though he wants to deny it to himself. I loved how confused he was, so unused to strong emotions, to displaying them anyway, and he wondered how Gryffindors stood it.

    Poor Harry. I was really hoping that the Weasleys' deaths might be some kind of mistake or ploy for the war, but it doesn't seem so. Severus' idea is a good one, that to keep Harry busy, involved in things and making him feel better prepared might help. It would certainly be better than not doing anything for him.

    Poor Theodore Nott, too. It would be very difficult for Draco to have to witness his room-mates' murder, and it shows how depraved the DEs really are, that a father could kill his own son.

    Great chapter, though very sad! I just want to hug them all, especially Harry.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you! It's quite hard to get into Draco's head--I want him to move forward a lot faster than should be expected, so I have to really watch what I have him say and do at any given point in time, as well as make sure readers know it's not an instant transformation and that it's just as hard for him to believe as it would be anyone who's familiar with him.


    I'm sure Harry wouldn't mind if you gave him a squeeze. :)


    Thank you very much!

Title: Chapter 4 25 Jan 2010 9:06 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    A lovely chapter again! The emotions are so real and powerful and heart-breaking. You've done an awesome job of getting into Draco's head and showing how he is coming to care for Harry, though he wants to deny it to himself. I loved how confused he was, so unused to strong emotions, to displaying them anyway, and he wondered how Gryffindors stood it.

    Poor Harry. I was really hoping that the Weasleys' deaths might be some kind of mistake or ploy for the war, but it doesn't seem so. Severus' idea is a good one, that to keep Harry busy, involved in things and making him feel better prepared might help. It would certainly be better than not doing anything for him.

    Poor Theodore Nott, too. It would be very difficult for Draco to have to witness his room-mates' murder, and it shows how depraved the DEs really are, that a father could kill his own son.

    Great chapter, though very sad! I just want to hug them all, especially Harry.
Title: Chapter 4 21 Dec 2009 3:06 am
Reviewer: sproutchild (Signed) [Report This]
    Loved this chapter, and I love the way you wrote Harry's coping mechanism too, I didnt know this fic would go in that direction but I'm very glad it did (as awful as that sounds, sorry ^^). Very very well-written.
    Draco's going through some interesting personality changes isnt he? I like how you pointed out the effort the increase in emotions is likely to take out of him ^-^ And how Sev doesnt seem to realise he cares ^^ I wonder how long it will take them both to discover Harry's secret and how much the care... oh the mystery ^-^
    Makes sense that Harry would do something reckless, if I lost so many people close to me and was able to blame myself (no matter how wrong I was) I dont know what I'd do. Cant wait to read more, and hope your Christmas trip goes well ^^

    Author's Response: Thank you! Lol, I know what you mean about being glad and it sounding awful...I'm a big angst fan, obviously.
Title: Chapter 4 17 Dec 2009 10:48 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Good angst here I love it thank you for updating I hope ypu have a wonderful Christmas where ever you will be

    Author's Response: Thank you! I'm going with my family to Disney World...I'm really hoping to get the next chapter posted before we leave, but it's iffy. If not, I'll have it up shortly past Christmas!
Title: Chapter 4 17 Dec 2009 12:49 am
Reviewer: mithrilandtj (Signed) [Report This]
    And now he's cutting.
    At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Harry's cuts went TOO far someday soon.
    And what is with Albus? Why doesn't he seem more concerned with Harry or the loss of the Weasleys?

    Author's Response: Albus is being a tool right now, but the reasoning why he's acting like he is will come to light within the next few chapters. Harry certainly has a long road ahead of him, though. :) Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Title: Chapter 4 16 Dec 2009 8:29 pm
Reviewer: autumnamberleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    I know I've already read this, but I wanted to review anyways. GREAT JOB once again! I loved the little parts that you added, it made it so much clearer! I just knew Harry had been cutting himself! I look foward to betaing your next chapter. Please send it the moment you get it done. :-D

    Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the additions I made--thank you again so much for all of your help, I tend to have logic and thought processes that differ from the general population and therefore are much harder to follow. lol. :) I will send it along as soon as I'm done!
Title: Chapter 4 16 Dec 2009 7:19 pm
Reviewer: severitusfan4ever (Signed) [Report This]
    Harry no! Aghhh... great chapter! You leave me begging for more, and while I dislike suspense in general, it's very well written!

    Author's Response: Thank you very much!

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