Wow, that was intense. I love how Severus so skillfully stood up for Harry.
Title: A Father's Pride
| 17 Mar 2010 12:28 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Title: A Father's Pride
| 15 Mar 2010 2:22 am
Reviewer: b (Anonymous)
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omg this story just gets better and better
Oh, no!!! I hope everything works out! They can't pull Ginny out of school!!! I can not wait for the next chapter!
wow...... what a issue... good luck to Harry and Ginny... you write well, I could feel the madness oozing out of the Weasleys'
I hope that the Weasley parents listened to what Severus said and that they will listen to their daughter's words as well. Harry and Ginny are normal teenagers who made a mistake and will be paying for it for a long time, but that doesn't make either of them bad people. Ginny is sixteen, not two, and was most likely well aware of what she was doing. If she didn't know and understand the risks, then that is the fault of her parents for not educating her, not Harry's. Besides, how different would they feel if it was Ron that had gotten a girl pregnant? Would they be just as hateful to the girl as they are being to Harry? If not, they are hypocrites.
great chapter, sev was great
Awww, I get what the Weasleys are feeling, but POOR HARRY! It takes two to tango, it's not fair to place all of the blame at Harry's feet--of course, that's how it works, a bit disgusting really. I hope they can work something out!