Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Innocence
Title: Innocence 28 Jan 2006 11:16 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]

    Aw, sweet story. :) The beginning was- well I was horrified with Harry at the thought of Harry finding Ron like that. You did a very good job painting the scene and emotions there. Some things seemed a little too tidy, meaning that the small cameos and little mentioned were too close to the exact canon for my tastes, but it was nevertheless and good story- the kind that makes you so happy in the end. I like how it's compact as well; it's not a monster of a fic that you have to wade through to get the "reward" of reading it. We need some of those. :) There wasn't a lot of Snape and Harry interaction in the story but I think that on principle, because Snape and Harry did work together and found Ron in the main part of the plot and the story dealt with their reconciliation that the story can stay here. When I put it on my list it's get a black and white "semi" cauldron and snitch though.

    Thanks for sharing this story!

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