Nice little story. I would have wished for a bit more detail though, on Harry's thoughts, maybe his hesitation to touch his professor to clean his wounds, stuff like that. - I really liked the last sentence!
Title: A Morning Event
| 04 Sep 2007 10:03 pm
Reviewer: JessieG (Anonymous)
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Ok this story was ok. But I did find a few faults.
1. It is unlikely that Harry would have healing potions, especially one for the Cruciatus Curse.
2. Personally I think that you could of went into more detail on how Snape became injured. Why was He Who Must Not Be Named mad?
Other then that though it wasn't a bad story. Your grammer was good as well as your spelling.
I loved this. Short and sweet, in character but heart-warming. Yay!
Oh, I love the ending and thoroughly believe that Sev could think that. A great story.