Title: Pride
| 20 Dec 2006 4:08 pm
Reviewer: Ebbtide Chequ (Anonymous)
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That was such a cool, sweet story! I just knew that Snape wasn't evil. lol. He had this soft part of him that could just connect with Harry in a way that no one else could..or can. Oooh, that was such a great story! I liked it tons. Especially how you didn't focus so much on what he had DONE as on what he KNEW. and the realization that hit him much earlier than in the canon (if it ever DID in the canon).
Wonderful. I like seeing this side of Snape even though his actions are the same as in the books. I knew he wasn't as short sighted as they make him appear in the movies. He does understand our dear Harry! Wonderful. Absolutely great fic. Loved it. =). Thanks for sharing!
Author's Response: I think that the realization really could have hit him this early in canon. Just, in canon it made him hate Harry more. Thank you for the review. :)